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Domo Arigato Mr. Robitussin
Citation:   Zeratul. "Domo Arigato Mr. Robitussin: An Experience with DXM (exp63943)". Sep 4, 2007.

300 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
What follows is an account of my first experience with DXM. It's rather difficult for me to recall it as I spent the entire trip out and about, and my memory of it is rather disjointed and hazy. There are some elements to the trip which are rather graphic and really just plain gross, but I imagine we're all mature adults here, so bear with me.

So I had run out of weed and was looking to try something new. I've always been attracted to experimenting with different psychoactives. Due to its easy accessibility and relatively safe nature, I decided on DXM.

After telling my friend and younger brother about it, they decided they wanted to try it as well. So we went to the local Wal-Mart and headed to the pharmacy section. After checking the package to confirm that the ONLY active ingredient was Dextromethorphan HBr (and it was), we purchased one bottle of Robitussin Gelcaps each. We purchased a 20-ounce bottle of Sprite for all of us to down the pills with and headed for the park.

We each took twenty 15mg pills, amounting to 300mgs each. I'm not sure about my friends (and this is, after all, a description of my trip, not theirs), but I had barely eaten anything all day, so I was pretty much taking them on an empty stomach. Upon downing all of the pills and finishing the Sprite, the three of us headed for the skate park (located within the park) and proceeded to converse with people we knew for a bit and continued to walk around the park, none of us feeling anything. This continued for maybe about an hour, during which I felt nothing out of the ordinary.

Within an hour of taking the pills, however, I began to notice a strong rumbling, churning sensation in my stomach. After a bit, I noticed a marked decrease in hand-eye coordination, a VERY strong euphoric feeling, and an overall urge to just converse with people, which is unusual for me since I have Aspergers Syndrome (a mild form of autism), which normally makes me rather introverted and withdrawn. While talking to people, I felt a very genuine sort of interest in everything about them. My hands also felt rather numb, as well as my throat. My friends, who weigh considerably more than I do and weren't feeling the effects I was, pointed out that I was doing the 'robot-walk' which we had read about online. I also found that my short-term memory was limited to about thirty seconds before my mind sort of went off on a tangent. As such, I became suddenly very spontaneous in my actions and thought.

As the night went on, things started to feel rather disjointed and dreamlike and I felt absolutely amazing. Everything in the world was right, my life would be incredibly simple from there on out, and I would remember the day I first tried DXM for the rest of my life. It was a euphoria that I had never felt before in my life, even from smoking pot. Looking back, I find this almost childlike euphoria rather darkly humorous. This childlike euphoria was compounded by my sudden enthrallment with the swingset in the park, which for me was absolutely the most incredible thing in the world. This childlike feeling persisted throughout the trip. Everything was suddenly very beautiful and marvelous to watch.

Another effect I noticed was a strange sort of effect in which I couldn't really concieve a world outside of the park I was in. It was as though the park was a level in a video game, and around the park was simply nothingness. It was very strange, but not at all unpleasent.

At some point during the trip, I met up with my ex-girlfriend (now sort of a friend with benefits) and one of her friends. I informed the two of them that I was 'Fucked up on Robitussin.' They laughed, and proceeded to ask me questions about what it was like, and I explained it to them. Perhaps the most notable question they asked was whether or not I could 'get it up.' After thinking about it for a bit, I realized that it was very difficult for me to concieve of a sexual thought at all, and found it impossible to become erect whatsoever. My ex's friend jokingly (or maybe not, she's kind of crazy like that) offered to have a three-way with me and my ex right there in her car. I turned down the proposition.

As it started to get dark, I was overcome with the urge to call as many of my friends (or at least, those who knew about/approved of my drug use) as I could to tell them I loved them. This actually went over well with every single one of them.

Throughout the entirety of my trip, I experienced a lot of the stomach churning I mentioned earlier, and three times during the trip, I experienced absolutely explosive liquid diarrhea. I'm pretty sure I lost ten pounds while tripping because of this. In retrospect it was pretty disgusting, but at the time, my mind was still experiencing that sort of childish feeling, so it was absolutely hilarious. I came out of the bathroom and told my friends I had 'rocket shit.'

The comedown from my first trip was so subtle and gentle that after about five hours of tripping, I was still so uplifted and energetic, that it just sort of hit me all at once that I was no longer doing the robo-walk and was now much more able to remember things, and just generally felt a lot less fucked. I had no hangover the next day and felt quite pleasent and happy overall.

Unfortunately, this experience led me to become more daring with my dosage, which led to my next experience being considerably more overwhelming and frightening, but that's another story for another day.

No more often than once every couple of weeks: Using it too much causes it to lose its magic very quickly.

Hope this was helpful.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63943
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 4, 2007Views: 13,169
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DXM (22) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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