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Becoming God
LSD, 2C-I & Salvia Divinorum
by Ilis
Citation:   Ilis. "Becoming God: An Experience with LSD, 2C-I & Salvia Divinorum (exp63953)". Nov 7, 2008.

T+ 0:00
3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:30 20 mg oral 2C-I  
  T+ 2:30 2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum  
This is the result of a series of schisms that occured over the corse the 06/07's December.

a now good friend of mine, horus, came to my area and was introduced to me through another friend of mine, riech. He brought with him some 300 dollars worth of Lsd. and upon introduction the idea of getting dosed was thrown on the table. and so began my trip towads what is now no less the the assimilation of the mental arctype of god. thats is i was on my way to discovering and becoming the master of my destiny(i believe we all are and wiill always be but i took on a new understandingof this) and achieveing what now seems so small a challengein comparison to my recent trials(psychedelics have always represented and battle with in myself. a war if you will between my ego and my subconious).

now for the sake of background i wish to tell of the weeks before this specfic trip to which we are about to discuss. mainline you need to know its the we burned through almost all of the 300 dollars of acid in 20 or so days with various cocktailing.

at the highet of our acid binge we decided it was time to test outselves and put to the limit the boundaries or our recently reignited 3rd eye.

---and so it begins---

/----'You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star. -Friedrich Nietzsche-----/

mindset - inquisitive

the night began with the oral consumption of 6 tabs(3 for myself and three for horus). we imediately went about setting the room inro a proper triping atmosphere(which for myself must contain dimmed lights closer to darkness then light and covered windows as well as good trip list(somthing containing the likes of Tool, Opeth, Or and other band with 'presense')

after about 30 or so minutes of setting up we dosed the to pills of 2c-i (each containing 20mg) and we setteled in with talk of philosophy and a little about quarks...

with due time the runnings of the vibe took hold and we set out on our stairways with laughter in our hearts.(literaly we couldnt stop laughing).

~~~not much of note happend between the begining vibes and the peak~~

at peak we smoked of first bowl of canabis that day(what then was officaly a tradition.
during the burn i began to notice various changes in my ego and over all awarenes...
such as, empowerment mentaly, awareness of myself being and being capable of..., as a deconstructor, as a lost soul, as enlightment.

I turned to horus with the a cockeyed smile,in rememberance of our plan, and went to fetch the waterpipe and the salvia. He wished for me to lead to i obliged.

the smoke entered my lungs and i held it till i could remeber to hold on......and i... f e l l ..........

the music was almost piercing and for some reason ive come to enjoy the slight pain. it moved and flowed and shimmer and screeched and screamed and yelled and damnned and enveloped...

and i consumed it.... it became me ...

i opend my eyes to see horus stating at me.... 'how was it?'
i laughed and said your turn...

as he went under i began looking around shrouded in blue white flames feeling divinity within...

all my ideas, thoughts, feelings, became divine.
the music painted a world inside my head.... a world of sound and screams and drums spinning chaos..... all this was mine as was both its subject and divine creator......'

after a slight relapse back into sanity we decided on another hit(might i recomend never trying this). cocked and loaded i took the next hit and was shot off(i blacked out) i awoke to a trashed room of spilt bongs and blue flames as if it was post-nuclear.... and ill i could think of was how powerful that last hit of salvia was..... then time seems to stand still i walked around the room (horus was thrown out on my bed)... )admidst my post-apocalyptic world.... and pondered ideas which now seem so far off... i cant quite grasp them...

the rest of the night flew by in a second as i sat on the bed. the morning sun arose and i was left with a staggering fatigue and and overall sense of wellbeing and new found control.....

thats the end of my story.....
for better or worse ive changed from that episode
its fine though change is what brought me to this.....

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63953
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2008Views: 6,440
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LSD (2), 2C-B (52), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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