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Unexpected Journy in Wrong Place
Salvia divinorum (10X Extract)
Citation:   Tom Czarnota. "Unexpected Journy in Wrong Place: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) (exp63977)". Sep 11, 2018.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
My first experience of salvia was this year at Glastonbury festival…I had never tried it before and was completely unaware of its potency. My mates wanted to see the Claxons at the other stage, so we trooped through the Muddy madness to get there. Once there they were already playing so we found a place to stand near the back of the massive crowd near a load of food stalls. My friends then bumped into a few people I hadn’t met before, and as I was smoking a joint I offered it to one of them and it was kindly accepted of course. The guy I gave it to ask if I wanted a pipe of salvia (10x) I told him I had never had it before…he made out it was mild! I’m quite experienced with mushrooms, and LSD but don’t take them anymore…I’ve seen enough and I am quite spiritually minded so don’t want to spoil mind. Any way I excepted and he got out a pipe, filled it with a large sprinkle and handed it to me while warning it tasted of hay…I thought that’s great if that’s all I have to worry about, I was so wrong.
My friends didn’t have a clue I was smoking salvia, they thought it was cannabis and I remember Ruth saying ‘Yen Toms happy’. I took a big inhale and held it like I do, exhaled and handed the guy his pipe back.

I started to feel like something was very wrong, like an allergic reaction. My body was starting to go numb like a feeling of cold metal beads dripping down my sides it was like electricity. My vision became restricted and I could hear and feel a roar like an avalanche it was the sound of my world ripping apart, every thing began tumbling forwards like I was falling, . The falling became really intense then reality started to divide into strips. At this point I was calling for my friends to hold on to me and I frantically groped for a body to hold on to, They knew something was wrong so they held me up, I had no idea of how I was being held though because I couldn’t feel my body at all. At this point it was a scene… I was reaching for the deep mud, trying to sit down. I felt as if my mind had merged with the field, I felt I had finally lost it and would never make it back to known reality. I thought that I must be in such a state that the whole field of people watching the Claxons was watching me and ambulance crews were transporting me out the field. Then sensation of moving was intense and every thing or person I tried to hold felt like they were slipping away or moving at odd angles.

Slowly I started to come back to reality, and began laughing insanely with happiness at the thought of it…I could see and hear a bit now, still being held up just laughing out loud like a nutter happy to return, I was happy not to be in a ambulance…I was happy I hadn’t sat in the mud and only a few people were staring at me. It was not the time or the place for it, I warned the guy not to feed people salvia pipes in such a uncomfortable environment, I had no time to recover as once I could stand on my own two feet I was hustled to the bloody dance tent where the mud was even deeper! Still trying to make sense of it all…I’ve ordered some more so I can take it at home this time.

Peace and love to all you people who have seen the sideways world!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63977
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2018Views: 701
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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