A Walk on the Beach and After
Citation:   Horselover Fat. "A Walk on the Beach and After: An Experience with bk-MBDB (exp64175)". Erowid.org. Jul 6, 2007. erowid.org/exp/64175

T+ 0:00
160 mg rectal bk-MBDB (capsule)
  T+ 2:30 200 mg rectal bk-MBDB (capsule)
  T+ 3:30 300 mg rectal bk-MBDB (capsule)
  T+ 4:30 240 mg rectal bk-MBDB (capsule)
  T+ 16:00 4.0 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 16:00 3.0 g oral Kava (capsule)
The author has been experimenting with a variety of drugs for a number of years.

+00:00 hrs 160 mg bk-MBDB (rectal)
+02.30 hrs 200 mg (rectal)
+03:30 hrs 300 mg (rectal)
+04:30 hrs 240 mg (rectal)
+16:00 hrs 4mg alprazolam, 3g kava (gel caps)

5.30 PM. I took 160 mg of bk-MBDB rectally in a gel cap. After 10 or so minutes I felt quite excited.

5: 40 I went for a walk onto the beach near where I live. It was pleasant to look at the seascapes. I felt than usually benign towards my fellow people. On the beach, old guys were playing with paper kites. I'd taken my camera and took a lot of photos -- anything that appealed. I wanted to get the look the place in my photos (that thought seemed very significant).

6:00 Felt the effects more strongly. I was certainly euphoric and somewhat on edge. In my mind, although I had had a somewhat trying day, I could see my problems form a distance.

6:30 Still walking, in the park, I realized that the effects were wearing... an hour or so.

7:00 Got home and took another 200 mg. The effects were highly pleasurable. I watched some video clips and other things on my PC.

8:00 Re-dose at 340 mg. Still excellent, hedonistic effects.

10:00 Further re-dose of 260 mg. Even this dose was a highly effective. Afterwards I had no desire to redose, although I couldn't resist this one. Somehow with this drug, after dosing a few times, I reach a very satisfying stop -- an incessant sort of stimulant pleasure. (Its darker side is shown in hints of paranoia and a tendency to start think about trivial remarks as having too much significance. Over regular use would be negative.)

11:30 AM Finally got two hours sleep with aid of xanax and kava capsules. Fitfully slept for about 4 hours and awoke feeling uncoordinated but not too negative.

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

I would hesitate to do this again for a while. Felt very tired and rained for two or three days. The total dose was too high.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64175
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2007Views: 23,806
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bk-MBDB (348) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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