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The Day I Learned the Hard Way
Citation:   Rigamortus. "The Day I Learned the Hard Way: An Experience with LSD (exp6418)". Feb 24, 2002.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I will remember the day for the rest of my life. I was about 15 yrs old, and had never touched any drug or alcohol yet. Never had I been high or drunk. I started hanging out with a new friend, him and some others had been experimenting with lsd for a few weeks. Needless to say the friend who i just met and was to have my first drug experiance with, a week before was in the hospital on an overdose from the lsd i was too take. ( shows my lack of maturity and descison making at the time)

Well the story starts as i decide to sleep over this kids house. The plan was to get some pot the next morning and for me to get stoned for my first time.Well it turns out that we could not get pot so i was encouraged to try acid the next day. I figured what the hell? If these guys liked it i could handle it! My friend explained the feeling of acid as cool and u c things like snow flake patterns. So that morning we headed for the extrmemly packed mall. I quickly took the small blue double dosed tab on my tounge.

within 20 minutes i was sitting on a bench staring at the floor with hysterical laughter. I no longer new my name or even cared. My friend looked at me and smiled, it only gets better he said. I then entered a candy shop and put a red hard candy in my mouth. within 5 minutes about 40 minutes into the trip all fuckin hell broke loose. the candy was flying out of my mouth, i could not control the feelings coming over my body, a red stream from the candy was shooting 5 feet out of my mouth! i quickly spit the candy on the floor.

i was no longer in control... i was walking but in a constant dream, i still to this day do not know how i knew where to walk. i could not see anything. i was walking outside of my own body, my soul was half in and half out of my body.. i could see my own self walking with no mirror... everything was scrambled television.. my body waist was twisting like a corkscrew in a cartoon! I only had random glimpses of reality and fell into a time trap. minutes like days seconds felt as hours. the crowded mall drowned horrifying sounds. i begged to leave the mall but could not function. paranoia and nausea set in. i found myself vomiting in the crowded malls floor. bright green chunks flew in all directions.peoples faces were melting off. Yet i had no cared no worries.

i was in a diffrent world. still to this day (5 years later) i have problems stepping into that mall. not until i was 18 did i dare to even touch a beer let alone any other drug. flashbacks occur often of walking down the street and i will walk out of my own body. i cant describe how powerful this drug is, only some people will experiance an effect like i had but i wish to warn anyone to know what u r getting into. lsd might be fun on a lower dose for me but i will not dare to touch it. lsd definitely scared me for life. my words cant explain the true nature of this disturbing trip.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 6418
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2002Views: 13,392
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LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Post Trip Problems (8), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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