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I Was So Blind-Sighted to Everything
Citation:   KittyCatMeow. "I Was So Blind-Sighted to Everything: An Experience with MDMA (exp64282)". Dec 8, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 1 capsl oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
After being awakened by taking MDMA/MDA I decided I had to get my brother and my husband in on this. My husband had taken E once before but it was a bunk pill or his antidepressants caused it to not work because all he got was a stomach ache. My brother was really apprehensive but agreed he would take it with me sometime. We tried to do it together once before but it failed and we ended up with very lame boring 'I almost got high' pills.

I don't want to go into detail but we had some stressful family problems where another family member misses the big picture for pretty much everything so we were all depressed and stressed out sitting around the house. We were supposed to head out to rave night at the dance club but ended up fighting (not with each other) instead. We were a mess of tears and anxiety but I decided (and I've felt this way since the first time I took E, this was about to be my second time) that I am not going to let other peoples' emotions and irrationality keep me from my life. I packed up the stuff, threw on a skirt and a tank top and ran out of the house.

The club was warm and stuffy and not very rave like. I had a drink, loosened up and danced a bit. I have hyper-hydrosis and I was soaked in sweat in no time, my face was bright red and I needed to get outside to cool down. I started talking to some people around me also chillin' outside and taking a break from the bar. I was whining about how hot I was and had to explain to someone why it was so unbearable I swear I am not just a big wimp. Then the girl next to me goes 'Just do some E, you won't mind!' After looking for MDMA (powder) for about 2 weeks to give to my brother and husband. I quickly piped up 'Ya! If I knew where to find it, we have been trying for weeks.' She pulls out her cell phone and before she starts to dial the guy we were chatting up as well goes 'I got this!' He takes about two steps and goes 'Okay, I have some pure-MDMA in caps! How many?' It was that easy. We took them home and busted them open. They were very tiny and only about half full. They looked very close to the many pictures I have seen online, and I have heard that MDMA powder is usually pretty clean here and a lot of the ravers would rather take the dirty pills instead.

My husband parachuted the first one and we waited 20 minutes before we took ours. It seemed like it took forever to come on but the lights in the room got brighter right away as well as quite noticeable pupil dilation. It hit my brother first at about 45 minutes to an hour. He started getting really into playing his guitar and wanted to listen to music. He opened up a lot and talked about how natural singing felt and how great it felt to let go and really sing without inhibition. My husband was getting bored and wondering when it was going to kick in and everything was bright but I was getting antsy as well.

My brother seemed to keep climbing, he started thinking very rationally about the world around him. For the first time he was seeing the whole picture and really truly felt like he was seeing the world in 3d for the first time. I wasn't rolling yet but I was happy to be there for him and feeling a little bit excitable and anxious too for it to set in with me. We talked and bonded and it was great. He got a bit silly and put his hands on my face and went 'See, you are just another person! and I always think 'I shouldn't touch people' why would I do that? But right now I see you and understand you are another person and I can touch your face a bit' *He pinches my cheeks* 'And you won't mind! because you are just human!' There is way too much that went on to go into detail, he was going at a million miles a minute like his eyes were opened to the world for the first time. What a marvelous tool for self discovery!

We got our swim suits on and had a shower because the house was unbearably hot! No air conditioning around. We knew that showering with your swim suits was weird but due to the openness of the MDMA rationally realized that it was ridiculous that adults should be judged for acting silly and having fun. After all we are indeed just animals. I was happy and giddy but having ADD I felt more like I was in a Hyper Manic mode I get into myself when I am not medicated and get excited about something. Or if I am around other hyper, ADD people who fuel my fire.

We whipped out the laptop and my brother made a video to himself so he would remember what he learnt reminding himself, this is life, live it! That is all you got. Not in those words, but that is the condensed version.

Then he went on to make a recording for other people because he knew that he needed to share this experience with the people that he loves.

After MDMA, myself and my brother both gained a greater appreciation for life.

My husband was sitting on the computer. When I asked him if it was working he said 'migh'. It had already been at least 3 hours and I thought we just weren't going to feel it. The pills must have been too weak. I took a second pill and so did my husband. We decide to go for a walk in the middle of the night and even thought it was early morning the sunrise lit the earth to a almost uncomfortable brightness. As soon as we got outside it hit my husband. He wasn't really empathic (he is a introvert not sure if this has much to do with it, I have noticed differences in the way the drug impacts different personality types). I am a thinker and it allowed me to truly feel for once in my life and let go of my anxiety and constant over-thinking. My brother who normally takes conclusions from others, came to all of his own and even taught me things.

My husband experienced cartoon like colors, improved music sensation and increased cuddleyness. He wasn't more empathetic and he never got that kind of feeling from the MDMA. He is an introverted, thinking, perceiving personality type... and I'm thinking this more and more (of course with build, dosage, body makeup, chemistry, the pill itself etc all varies). We cuddled for a bit and feel more bonded now than before. We came down by going swimming at the gym which I have done both times and I feel like the come down this time wasn't bad at all. In the pool I felt myself return to normal and was left with a warm fuzzy feeling and some tiredness. I went to bed and I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and fantastic. These were wonderful clean pills! I wonder what they would have been like in higher dosage?

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64282
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 8, 2020Views: 710
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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