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Withdrawal Can Be a Bitch
Citation:   Speciosalist. "Withdrawal Can Be a Bitch: An Experience with Kratom (exp64503)". Feb 23, 2016.

    Kratom (extract)
I started dabbling in kratom, buying the 'super power' and 10x extracts, where you only need 1.5-5 grams to get a good experience. Then I moved on to the 15x, 20x, 250x (!!) extracts, 96% mitragynine tinctures, and even some oxindole-enhanced mitragynine that costs $50 per half gram.

Withdrawal from this stuff can be difficult. Even after cutting my (high) daily dose in half, I started to experience withdrawal effects. When I tried to cut this dose in half again after a day or two, I got intense night sweats, severe depression, body aches and insomnia. Keep in mind I had not taken any opiates for over 6 months before dabbling in Kratom, so this was not residual opiate withdrawal.

t happens to be legal, but that does not mean it's any less REAL a drug than schedule painkillers. Particularly when I started using the 20x+ extracts and pure alkaloid tinctures.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64503
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2016Views: 2,067
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