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Birth of a Junkie
Citation:   AliVZ. "Birth of a Junkie: An Experience with Heroin (exp64580)". May 20, 2018.

  repeated IV Heroin
[Erowid Note: Intravenous (IV) injection of crushed pills/tablets can be very dangerous due to unknown substances, binders, and fillers present. Any substance injected directly into the blood stream should be very pure. Clean needles and medically appropriate techniques should be used to avoid serious injury or death.]
Everyone says that heroin is the most hardcore drug that one can that will consume you, spit you out, and continue to chew you until there is nothing left. Thats the absolute truth. Its arguably the best times of your life, along with the worse. A heaven and hell complex, if you will. With the good, comes the bad, and I was soon going to learn that the hard way.

I wasn't new to the drug scene. I was 19, an avid pothead and recognized weedman, with experience with marijuana, mdma, cocaine, psilocybin mushrooms, lsd, morning glory, salvia divinorium, opium and opiates, barbituates, alcohol, benzodiazepines, dxm, the list goes on. Since I had previously used opium a few times, I was familiar with the opiate buzz, and I recognized it as being one of the best body buzz's you can achieve. At the time my favorite occasional drug was mdma.

I still remember the first time I did heroin. 'You tryin to shoot some dope today?' My friend J asked me. He was with another one of our friends B, and I had met them up at the local college. 'Yeah, I'm ready' I thought, already stoned from the weed from earlier. The boys hopped in my car, and we drove downtown to the city..the first time for me. The boys already knew where to cop, who to go to, so I didnt ask many questions..just drove to the 'spot'. Once we got there, J got out of the car with our money and copped about 5 pills. Usually with a tolerance, one pill of good quality heroin will suffice for a user. Hence it being my first time, the boys said that I should only do about half of a pill.

The boys told me to drive to a safer location for administering the substance and chilling out for a bit. We drove a few blocks to a different parking lot. When we got there, I was anticipating what I knew would be one of the greatest drug experiences of my life, and I was not wrong. B prepared the shot for me, and he asked me if I was ready. I was still in the drivers seat at the time, and I said yes. He used his belt to tie off my arm to find a good viable vein for injection. I told him that I didnt have very poppy veins, and that it might be a little hard for him to find one. 'I can always find a vein man, just sit back and relax, itll be done in a sec' B said, already slightly nodding out from his shot. I said okay. *Prick* B pulled back the syringe to see if blood pulled back, making sure he was in the vein. I saw him slowly push the plunger in, and releasing the heroin into my body.

'Make sure he doesnt fall out' I heard J tell B.

'should I feel it soon?' I asked B. 'Ohyeah' they both told me.

The very second those words left my lips, I felt an incredible surge of relaxation shoot from my solar plexis, outwards to the rest of my body. My vision waved from the top right of my vision to the bottom left like flipping pages. It felt like having a full body orgasm while slowly sinking into a jacuzzi. I felt slightly queesy but after a minute it subsided. All I could mutter was 'wow' my whole body screamed and indulged in the opiate bath it has been given for the first time.

I vomited about an hour later, and I was extremely high and nodding in and out for the rest of the day.

For about a month or so later, I continued to use maybe 4 times a week, every time with my buddy J. He would administer the shot, and my habit did not really get bad until he went to rehab about a few months later. I learned how to obtain the drug on my own, how to administer it to myself, and I was with a new crowd of people that were hardcore addicts. At my worst I was having to steal 350-400 bucks a day to support a speedball habit-concoction of heroin and cocaine, buying crack, and using 10+pills a day. This continued towards a downward spiral where I lost my job, lost my phone, the respect of my family, my car, and eventually my house. I would have to steal from family in order to support my habit, and I was kicked out twice. I still remember stealing to support my habit AND pay for a motel, and continuously stealing and shooting dope. Going through physical withdrawal would be a living hell. Constantly dry heaving, throwing up foam, your bones feel like they are being drained and hollow, and your muscles continuously ache with unwarranted pain. It is one of the worst feelings one can go through..not just physically, but mentally as well. You can smell the heroin cooking in your skin when you are sick.

I eventually got my life back to normal.

I got my car back, worked on my relationship issues with my parents, and found another great job.

I have seen my life, and the lives of my friends who were also using just hit rock bottom, and I learned the hardway how heroin can consume your whole being, all for those 5 heavenly minutes of the heroin rush and high.

I will still occasionally use marijuana, alcohol, and mdma.

Cocaine and Heroin are both..too great to be true, and I know that I will still continue to play and dabble with them once in a while, but I will not fall prey to the horrible cycle I had put myself through in addiction.

Some people live in the past, some people live for the future, but a junkie lives only for the present.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 64580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2018Views: 3,562
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Heroin (27) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10), First Times (2)

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