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On the Old Lemmons
Citation:   texasdaylight. "On the Old Lemmons: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp64590)". May 1, 2018.

300 mg oral Methaqualone (pill / tablet)
I had an experimental past with every drug ever made during my lifetime. Keeping to the code to try anything once and more if I liked it. That said, I will try to keep my description of Ludes short and sweet.

Back in my day the ludes around were of the Lemmon 714 variety and to tell you the truth I absolutely enjoyed them! The first time I took one I was standing out in a crowded parking lot of a local flea market and within 30 minutes it hit me like a ton of bricks. There I was having a great conversation with friends and all of a sudden the world shifted into low gear. My knees almost gave way and the feeling was very comfortable and euphoric.

I never did like the go fast drugs of the 80's-90's and today's meth and speed, yuck! Give me a nice warm slow and comfortable experiance to enjoy and I am happy.

I don't do drugs anymore, but if anyone did happen to bring back quality Ludes of the 70's like Lemmon used to manufacturer, I would definitely have a difficult time passing them up.

I loved going slow.

Exp Year: 1976ExpID: 64590
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2018Views: 6,535
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Methaqualone (218) : Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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