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You Maketh My Body Tingle!
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   anonymous. "You Maketh My Body Tingle!: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp6471)". Feb 26, 2002.

7 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (plant material)
As I type I'm finishing my 3rd experience with Salvia. This time I tried it by myself (I know about sitters but my dosage was small). During 4th or 5th hit from a one-hitter I could feel the effects coming on and started to see little 'vortexes' in the corners of my eyes. I took a couple more hits and decided to lay down and close my eyes. I had a live version of Thelonius Monk playing at The It Club. My lights were turned off, and no one was around to distract me.

As I closed my eyes I started to see circles here and there and they started flashing and moving around. Then I saw a greenish circle that sort of resembled a head of lettuce, then it turned into a kind of greenish moldy orange or something, then it turned into a round watermelon, and continued to shift through different food type looking circles...eventually that started to disappear and the flashing circles continued. At that point I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling....again a 'vortex' here and there. I looked over to my window where my venetian blinds were half open and i could see part of the tree top outside my window. The sky looked slightly purplish-blue and it kind of looked like there were branches there that really weren't (they began to fade in and out of focus).

Next, I decided to come over to my computer and enter this little message of experience. As i turned it on and was waiting for it to load, I could feel a slight erection beginning to develop and my head was still feeling a little tingly. Right now I'm still coming down as I type this. This nice little plant seems to actually do the trick, although that's not what I expected when I first heard about it and the first time I actually tried it. Salvia O Salvia, you maketh my body tingle!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6471
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2002Views: 8,840
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Alone (16)

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