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Seeing Double, or More?
Citation:   ambien. "Seeing Double, or More?: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp64902)". Apr 29, 2018.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
OK so.
My friend and I were searching around her mothers house for her bag of weed, but we were unable to find it. Through our rummaging, we discovered 'ambien'. A little nervous at first, I read this site on what happens, and then I decided to take 20mg with my friend.

About 5 minutes after, we walked into her living room and I sat on her couch awaiting the effects. During our conversation our speech was becoming slurred. I become somewhat confused when I tried to tell a story and began to lose the memory of the story. I was very suprised on how fast it kicked in.

After this conversation and knowing the effects were kicking in my friend and I walked outside to her back yard. I felt less heavy. We werent really talking, so I fell to the ground and just before I hit the ground the gravity felt much heavier. I explained, then got up and looked across the yard at her neighbors van. The van began pulling itself apart and there was a shadow of the same van behind it. I wasn't sure if there were two vans or not. My friend didn't see what I saw, but then about 3 minutes after she completely understood what I saw. We stared at the van for about 5-10 minutes, shouting and completely dumbstruck by the various vans.

As our attention shifted to eachother, we notcied on eachothers faces that we had 6 eyes, three noses, and two to three mouths. I noticed on my friensd face that her eyes were multiplying but then the old eyes were morphing and sliding into her real eyes.

My friend's dogs came outside, but then we remembered that she only had one dog, and the two dogs that came out were identical. We then noticed that the dogs were doing the exact same thing, so I guess we were seeing double. I look at my friend and I realize there is another other her right next to her.

All four of us walk across the road to what it looks like to be a large forest, but really is a yard full of a few trees. I then saw my friends 'shadow' (her double) and they were completely seperated. I lost track of which one was the real her, so I told my real friend to raise their left arm. Both of them raised their arm.

As we walked away from this area we still had many eyes, many noses, and many mouths. Whenever either of us talked, we couldnt be serious because we saw so many mouths. I dont think we really communicated either, I think we managed mumbles and short phrases.

As we got back to the house, I began to perfusly began to throw up my couscous I ate earlier that day, though I must tell you the trip was well worth it. We then put in the movie Pans Labrynth, though we were unable to understand because of us seeing doubles, and we couldnt read the subtitles. I threw up again.

This all happened within a two hour period.

Later, we took another 10mg pill. We saw many eyes, noses, and mouths, then we went to sleep, and had the best sleep ever with crazy dreams.

Its FUN.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64902
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 991
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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