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End of Eternity and Queuing to Get Back In
Citation:   dmt lee. "End of Eternity and Queuing to Get Back In: An Experience with Ketamine (exp64985)". Mar 21, 2018.

500 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Me and my friends had landed in Ibiza and were set to pick up a few ounces of ket to last us through the season. The whole of the group are massively into clubbing and we all experiment with many different drugs, ketamine being the main one.

After an amazingly fueled day at dc10, me and few of my friends decided to head back to the villa. My body was feeling tired after the huge amounts of ecstasy and GHB I had consumed earlier that day. The drugs were wearing off and I was ready to get the ket out.

When we got back we went straight up to the terrace and set it up as best as possible. We dragged a few mattress' outside, along with loads of cushions and quilts and set it all up like one massive bed. We brought the cd player outside and picked a good cd, usually something chilled out works quite well. This time we decided to play the james holden balence cd. We emptied a bag of ket onto a mirror and racked up a half gram line of crystal ket each. Quickly, we all sniffed our lines and played the cd. Then we all lay back, under the stars and waited for it to kick in.

After about 5 minutes I began to feel the first effects. A tingling, rushing through my legs, almost making them feel numb. I began to feel like my legs were getting sucked behind me. At the same time I feel like I am one with the bed, and part of it, just a pair of eyes looking around. The terrace morphs and changes, looks the same but also look drastically different? I feel myself and the whole bed rise and come out of the terrace, then I feel as if I'm moving backwards really fast, objects are morphing still, everything is changing, waves of colours and energy are rushing past me. The music from the cd is taking me on a journey, taking me to a place I could never imagine and trying to show me answers to questions I've never asked.

All of a sudden life stops, time stops, nothing is left, nothing is left but to start again. For a split second I was stuck in a loop, my friends were fake, all acting, pretending the world was real to keep me sane.
For a split second I was stuck in a loop, my friends were fake, all acting, pretending the world was real to keep me sane.
The loop stops and I'm free, I look around, but I'm not free at all. I'm on a conveyor belt, I'm queuing up in another dimension at the end of eternity and trying to get back in. I can see that I am still moving but I cant understand anything. My brain is totally disconnected from the rest of my body. I'm at the far side of my imagination and I quite like it. I blur my eyes and as I re-focus them, the terrace has come back, I'm starting to come round and I can hear the music again. I sit up, look round at my friends who are also starting to come round.

All in all I must admit, I do love to k-hole, each night, almost everyday we'd do the same thing. Just go on one big journey. When I first started doing ket I hated it, but now, its one of my favourites. Scene and setting play an important role, so if I dont feel comfortable, I dont do it!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64985
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2018Views: 772
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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