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Mildly Entertaining, Massively Intense
Citation:   Syntaxerror. "Mildly Entertaining, Massively Intense: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp65042)". Jun 1, 2010.

350 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
I am somewhat experienced when it comes to psychoactives. I have done LSD, DOM, DOB, Nitrous, Salvia, and various herbs, entheogens, and inhalants. Diphenhydramine has always kind of struck me as being as being a very interesting drug because of the full-blown delirium. Before this night I had done done it twice recreationally (100mg and 150mg). Me and my friend N had the house all to ourselves last night and we thought it'd be a good chance to trip, so he did ~400mg DXM and I did 350mg DPH.

7:30PM - We both dose, and enjoy a few joints.

8:00PM - Nothing really too noticeable.

8:45PM - I stand up from sitting and immediately fall down. My legs feel like stone and my head feels like a hollow bowling ball. This is the exact same thing that happened when I did DXM for the first time above 300mg. I feel very nauseous, so I go lay down on N's bed. I try to stay calm and not panic, so I called my girlfriend and she talked for a minute or two, and I was feeling better.

8:50PM - My whole mouth is completely dry, but when I try to drink water, it sticks to my throat... it hurts.

9:30PM - I am full blown tripping. The carpet's shadows turn into ants, I see things in the corner of my eye move or melt, the walls are changing colors, dark walls shimmer like electricity, flashes of light, hearing voices, etc. I am SO THIRSTY. I have gone to the bathroom to urinate about 2 times so far this hour. It's ridiculous!

9:34PM - So, I go to the bathroom to urinate and look down at my boxers. The bottom of them morphed into two frogs facing away from each other. I knew I was hallucinating, so I tried to touch it to make them away, but when I touched it, it felt like rubber. I flinched and tried not to startle them. There are freaking rubber frogs in my boxers! I look away at something that caught my attention, and when I looked back, the frogs were gone. It really hurts to pee, man!

9:40PM - I am making absolutely no sense when I talk and it's really aggravating me. My girlfriend calls me, after smoking sativa for the first time, and she is super paranoid. I want to talk to her and calm her down so bad but I kept blabbering out nonsense like 'Read to me, babe.'

9:43PM - I just dozed off and thought I was in my girlfriends room with her, because I was hearing her aunt and mother talking outside extremely distinctly. I woke up only to realize I was still in N's room. So annoying.

9:45PM - I doze off again, staring at the ceiling, where I am watching a movie. Wait, there's no TV in the ceiling! It disappears. Ughhh.

9:50PM - I see a posters on each of the walls, some tilted and some just way off alignment. So, I start complaining to N about how he needs a poster on both sides of his room in equal proportions because it's bothering me. Then I realize there were no posters at all.

10:00PM - N's dog comes in, jumps on my lap, stares at me in the eye, and morphs into my girlfriend's dog. I start saying 'Hi, Bella! How'd you get here?!' and when I went to pet her, it disappeared.

10:05PM - I was wearing pants made out of iPods.

10:10PM - 'Hey, N, Nice moving liberty spikes! Those are sick as hell... where'd you get them done?' *Snaps back into 'reality'* 'What the hell are you talking about, dude? I have short hair.'

10:11PM - I am on the computer looking up cheat codes for a video game. *opens eyes* Wait, what? No! I'm still in a bed. I was moving my hands like I had a mouse and was typing on a blanket.

10:20PM - I've had enough of this mind trickery. I'm going to bed.

10:24PM - Can't sleep, mind is going way too fast and so is my heart.

10:25PM - Hey, it's my friend! Cool he brought some weed over. Let's smoke.

10:26PM - Where did he go? No one is in the room. Did everyone die? Nope, there's N, on the computer, watching Ghost in the Shell. And there's N again, playing guitar on the floor. *Opens eyes* Oh! There's the REAL N, looking at me weird.


10:40PM - Everyone in the whole fucking world hates me.

10:45PM - As completely messed up as I am, I feel the need to go to sleep in my own home, so I call my mom.

10:47PM - N is pissed because he's afraid my mom will tell his mom that he did drugs when they were gone, which won't happen. He yells at me loudly and I feel really bad. We go up front, he follows me out the door, closes it, and locks it. I call him and ask why he did that, and he says he had been asleep the past half hour. I just hallucinated the whole convo and then some.

10:55PM - My mom picks me up, and I prep myself to make sure I don't give away my unsoberness

11:00PM - On the way back from N's house, I saw 3 babies playing in the street. I was about to scream but I remembered that they weren't real and that I would give away my temporary psychosis. I tell my mom a lot of things about what's going on with my life and I tried to act as sober as possible. I got away with it perfectly, but it was so sketchy. We arrived at home around 11:20.

11:20PM - My dog is standing in the main hallway completely still. This is really weird because the slightest noise will rile my dog up into a barking frenzy. I go over to pet her to make sure she's okay, but then it disappeared RIGHT before I was about to start talking to her. My real dog was greeting my mom at the door and I was wondering how I missed that whole thing.

11:25PM - I go to sleep after much tossing and turning. I kept waking up in the middle of the night whispering to nothing, which was odd because I didn't have any dreams at all(I usually am very good at remembering my dreams).

10:30AM - I woke up and I have a slight hangover. My heart is still a bit fast, and I see things ripped and go crazy in the corner of my eye, hearing beeps and blips, etc.

Overall, Diphenhydramine is definitely a freaking odd drug. I will never do anything like that again, because it was way too intense on my body and there was nothing learned. The visuals are just not worth the load on your body. Stick to the good stuff.

'No benefits from Benedryl.'

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 1, 2010Views: 16,319
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