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Prying Open My Third Eye
Citation:   Trumped. "Prying Open My Third Eye: An Experience with DMT (exp65124)". Mar 5, 2018.

40 mg smoked DMT
I had been planning on taking dmt for quite a while. I consider myself to be a spiritual person (especially for my age), and I meditated for an hour or so with my mother and a friend of hers while listening to calm music, and drinking tea. I have tried some psychedelics including lsd, mushrooms, and salvia and I thought I would be prepared for this experience so I convinced my mom to let me smoke 40 mg instead of 25mg.

After watching my moms friend do it, I sat down in the center of the room and inhaled until the weed turned white and then held in the smoke as long as I could. Still semi-conscience, I felt as if I had hit the ground from very high and I tried to stand up but my mom convinced me to sit back down and I immediately drifted into a daze. Even though I was actually passing out it felt as if I was waking up and, I was suddenly standing in the middle of a desert with new thoughts in my head. I knew exactly what I was there to do, and its hard to explain but I knew who I really was though I forget now. I could see myself from all angles but I could also see through my own eyes. I began a journey through the desert but I didnt move the desert moved around me with nothing but secrets on either side of me. I knew what I was doing even though I didnt know my eventual goal. I knew where I was going even though I didnt know my destination. I felt like my body was becoming part of itself again. I realized I was in a cave and suddenly became very afraid for my life. There was writing on the wall that told me things I cant recall but that scared me. I was reaching the end of the tunnel and there were hallucinations inside my hallucinations. Creatures came to life from the walls of the tunnel, and suddenly I reached a chamber. Inside the chamber I knew I would encounter a god. I reached the open space and I saw myself sitting on a throne . As I approached I asked him many questions that I dont remember anything of. I then asked him what was happening and he told me I was dying but that I had many more things that I would do. I felt a sinking feeling and I began to weep and asked him why I had to die and he just smiled and winked and I woke up on my floor. This was alot harder to write out then I thought it would be. I can put much more context on my experience in person. In the near future I would like to experiment with peyote, and ibogaine. I have been planning on trying dmt again but my mom will not take part in it because it was a 'one time deal'.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 65124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2018Views: 1,088
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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