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Becoming Addicted
Tobacco - Cigarettes
Citation:   babyzebra . "Becoming Addicted: An Experience with Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp65195)". May 1, 2010.

  repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
My first experience with smoking was in 7th grade. At the time I was was not a big rebel but I don't take what adults said that seriously so when a happened upon almost a full pack of malbros I was curious so i pick it up. That night I sneak out on my roof and lit my first grit. I was nervous at the time because I had never done any kind of drug before. I cant remember if I smoke the whole thing or not but I wasnt inhaling deeply so I didnt get any of the effects.

After that my friend and I starting smoking together every once and awhile. We did it more for the thrill of breaking rules then the actual effects. The first time I inhaled deeply I felt a little sick but I didnt throw up or anything.

This went on for a few years. I didnt find smoking addicting in the amount I was doing it. Smoking was a fun and special things not something I needed. As I got older I started smoking more and more. Freshmen year I would buy packs on the weekends and share them with my friends. During the week I never went through withdrawls so I thought I was safe from addiction.

I didnt become addicted until the summmer of my Softmore year in high school. I bought more packs then I ever had before and was smoking every day.

Now on days when I dont have grits I feel really annoyed by everyone around me and I dont feel secure around people. I only NEED to smoke four grits a day to feel normal but if it wasnt for the cost Id smoke more.

Tobacco addiction is something that crept up on me. Even if I thought that I would not become addicted because I didnt smoke much or often. It can happen easier then you think.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65195
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2010Views: 6,571
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Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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