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Anticipating Greatness
Citation:   Wisdom. "Anticipating Greatness: An Experience with Kratom (exp65259)". Aug 24, 2007.

2.0 g oral Kratom
Well, I was doing a lot of research into Kratom, and had read some good things, alot of people have had good results. Myself personaly after taking and indetermined amount of unknown strength believe it to be not very good. I have done a few opiates mainly codeine based and have had a better buzz from these.

I had dosed up at about I would say 2g, this gave me a slight change in perception. Nothing too marked, Then about 2hrs later I did about a gram, this produced an upper type of caffeine buzz. Then about 3hrs later I decided to do the rest, so I took about another 3 grams. This produced a slightly more sedate buzz but it was nothing to rave about. Wether this was because the stuff i got wasn't potent or not enough ingested I would stay stick with a guaranteed buzz producer. I've decided I'm a weed head through and through, then again maybe having some weed may have given me a better buzz as I'm suffering weed withdrawals right now due to the major drought and contamination that is happening in the UK at the moment.

A very disapointed Wisdom. Oh and the nausea was not bad at all until later on in the evening after all effects had worn off, also the taste was nowhere near bitter quite enjoyable in fact when added to a cup of tea, or just boiled water.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65259
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2007Views: 6,682
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Kratom (203) : Alone (16), General (1)

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