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A Completely Perfect Drug
by T.R.
Citation:   T.R.. "A Completely Perfect Drug: An Experience with MDMA (exp65408)". Erowid.org. Jun 27, 2018. erowid.org/exp/65408

1.5 tablets oral MDMA
    inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites
    smoked Cannabis
I had always had an obsession with the phenethylamines and had read the book by alexander shulgin. I had ultimately always wanted to try ecstacy. This feeling had been intensified by the fact that barely anyone I ask could explain what it was like, I got very simple and what at the time seemed vague responses like 'loved up', 'empathy' and 'appreciation of music'....all true in retrospect.

I have just arrived home from a festival where I tried ecstacy for the first time and again on the final night. Both two distinctive experiences. The first markedly profound since every sensation was new and equally magical.

Me and a friend took 1 1/2 pills which we were told were remarkably pure and quite strong. Necked them. Since all we had eaten some unthinkable amount of noodles and other stodgy food, I anticipated the come up would be gentle. It was so subtle I barely noticed a thing. We both felt a bit altered but had none of the sensations we expected and nothing significant was happening.
We both felt a bit altered but had none of the sensations we expected and nothing significant was happening.
We came back from a fairground ride near where we were camped, which seemed a bit more intense than usual but nothing euphoric. Just sat by the fire chilling out with some other people, I was expected to receive some incredible energy boost, nothing so far.

I then received a message of my girlfriend who was at home and I hadnt seen her in a few days now. It said, ' I hope you're having a good time, I love you so much'. With that it just made something in my brain go insane and I said to a friend who wasn't on pills....this feels incredible! With that I called some friends on a campsite quite far away and we walked over to find them.

This was the point where I noticed the effects. 'This is a whole new level of highness'. We walked the 20ish minute walk and approached the drum and base tent. This was pill head central. I felt like everyone who was on MDMA had an arrow placed directly over their head and felt the exact same level of compassion, warmth and empathy as I did. It was like we were one massive unit. I had completely lost my inhibitions by now and as we met our other friends they were sat talking around the fire. We all seemed like a cat on catnip, just completely content. One person offered me a hug. The sensation and satisfaction I got from this was indescribable, like a full mind orgasm.

We had some poppers...because they are fun, then set off the the dance tent. At this point an experienced MDMA-using mate whipped out the glow sticks and dummies. For the first time they had not only some but a massive significance and relevance. I loved dancing and looking at flashing lights more than anything in the world. It gave some intense rush.

There are a few things that happened which made the experience what it was, and unfortunately wouldn't happen anywhere other than at a festival. One of the most comforting experiences I have ever had was when we sat on the grass outside the dance tent and had a massive pile on hug. This felt unreal. After this we found a lonely pill head walking around the place looking very lost. He said he had lost all his mates and was wondering if he could hang around with us tonight. He was probably the nicest guy I have ever met as far as first impressions go. But arent the vast majority of people who are on MDMA...I certainly thought so that night.

We saw in the distance a man dressed in a banana suit. Again something like that would only happen at a festival. We was talking for a while with him and he too was on pills, unsurprisingly. The point of this experience was that he seemed like a father figure and said to us, you will always have a place in the heart of bananaman. I know it sounds ridiculous now but at the time it was like jesus had said the same things straight to us.

Overall, ecstacy I feel is completely unfairly represented by the media and I didnt once feel any difficulties regarding my heat or thirst. Everything came naturally in my stride. It was the most organic feeling a could have imagined. My consciousness felt altered but now I feel more like MDMA is the true consciousness and at baseline my mind is altered in a negative sense. I felt at ease and comfortable for the whole 6 hours of my experience. We had a spliff and went to sleep, so no comedown was really felt.

The only issue I had with it was that a felt like a ZOMBIE the next day. Grey would be the best colour to describe me. I was unable to feel any strong emotions. It was like all of the fun of the next day had been crammed into the night before. Sitting here now, a day after my second experience of pills, I feel frazzled which is probably why my writing lacks any clarity or flow. But I hope I managed expressed just how much I love exstacy.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65408
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 713
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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