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The Wolf at the Door
Aconitum napellus & Cannabis
Citation:   the guy. "The Wolf at the Door: An Experience with Aconitum napellus & Cannabis (exp65587)". Jun 24, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis
    smoked Aconitum napellus
I thought I'd share an experience I had with aconite since there doesn't seem to be many of them here and I think it is a drug that deserves more attention than it generally receives.

This experience requires a short background: I have been a practicing ceremonial magician for about 8 and a half years and have consumed various drugs and combinations of drugs in order to facilitate ritual work. I have mostly confined myself to plants and fungi and extracts thereof and think of myself as somewhat of an accomplished herbal healer on top of my achievements with ceremonial work. I have been researching alkaloid preparations since my early 'teens.

A few years back, I had regularly been hanging out at a New Age shop and speaking to various other witches about different aspects and traditions of magic. I was greatly interested in Shamanism, particularly the Siberian and the South American kinds, and wanted to get more information on the ritual use of psychoactive plants. I was also interested to see if that format could be applied to a Goetic Theurgical ritual.

Most of the people there had no clue about any of the deeper aspects of magic, but apparently one person, who was some kind of Theistic Satanist, was intrigued by my questioning and we went around back and smoked a joint. After a few minutes, we started chatting about various psychoactive plants such as belladonna, foxglove, and monkshood and it just so happened that he was growing those very plants at his house.

We went back to his house to hang out and he showed me his garden, where sure enough, there was a treasure trove of psychoactive plants. He quickly produced a bag of dried monkshood and another bag with some very tasty-looking buds, mixed together a pinch of each and crammed the mixture into a bowl. We chiefed up for about 15 minutes and I noticed a buzz creeping up. There was the familiar weed buzz, but underneath it was a slightly different buzz, similar to opium.
There was the familiar weed buzz, but underneath it was a slightly different buzz, similar to opium.
After about another 30 minutes, I noticed I was getting pretty trashed, which was strange because I have a very high tolerance for weed.

He then produced a copy of the Red Dragon, a fancy black leather-clad edition that was about an inch thick and small enough to fit in your palm. I looked over it for a few minutes, struggling to memorize what I read (I normally have a photographic memory), but I had trouble reading it because my vision was blurred and I was definitely not in the mood for serious scholarly research. I felt a kind of mind/body dissociation, as if I was very far away from my body. I tried to maintain my mental equilibrium, but it seemed nearly impossible. I found myself zoning out while he was talking to me, unable to follow the conversation. He seemed much less affected, probably because he had built up a tolerance.

We smoked a couple more bowls, but I didn't notice a dramatic change in the intensity of the high, just a steady euphoric, zoned-out feeling. Pretty soon it was about 1 a.m., and not wanting to seem rude or impinge on his hospitality, I said goodnight and walked home.

It was altogether a very pleasant experience, with no unpleasant side effects that I could discern. I have tried
cannabis/opium mixtures, and while I enjoyed their mixture of sedative qualities I found them to be a bit overpowering together. Aconite complemented cannabis perfectly. I haven't yet had a chance to explore aconite use further (he moved away shortly after I met him), however I would definitely do it again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 65587
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2018Views: 3,544
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Aconitum napellus (372) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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