My Brain Started to Crawl
Citation:   sumguy. "My Brain Started to Crawl: An Experience with DMT (exp65656)". Sep 23, 2018.

10 hits smoked DMT
DiMiTri trippIng

Its the first day back to school and my friend was telling me that he had DMT.
My first reaction towards the hallucinogen was that it was acid in a pill capsule.
My friend reassures me that it only lasts a couple of minutes.
Those couple minutes seemed like hours, I take my girlfriend and my friend to go buy 20 dollars worth.
He hooks us up so for my first time I get 2 big hits.
We smoke it out of a base pipe in which u might be able to smoke crack or meth out of.
We have nowhere to go so I suggest we go to this dead end outlet culdesack.
I've smoked weed plenty of times there its a very nice view.
I Sure enough found out.

He packs me my hits u burn the glass in which u heat enough to get a vapor of the substance (DMT).
I'm in my girlfriends car when I turn the air conditioner off so we can light the glass.
Bad idea.
As I hit it slow and nice I hold it in like chronic.
I cough and my friend tells me to take my other hit, I try.
I automatically start hearing my brain make noises, an echo in my head whawoahwhoawah I start to hear buzzing I lay back and try to relax I'm sweating my fingertips of my hand.
I look at my girlfriend her legs look the same length as her arms my friend in the same indian style position in the back
I cant defreinntiate the differences they both look like octupus's from the waist down.
My friend asks something my brain starts to echo again whawhoawhawhoa his voice seems to drift off still talking when his mouth wasnt moving
I panic its too hot in the car my girlfriend says he's sweating she finally puts the air conditioner on I'm tripping to bad to remember
I lift my self up to see and feel the energy flowing out of the cold air machine.
I look to see my girlfriends face theres a koleidescope of colrs her face was changing and she had some kind of Aztec warrior princess patterns from the middle of the brow circling down to the chin.
I look back to see my friend each time he talks his mouth morphs and becomes lucid all melting in a way.
I look outside to see a different colorations of a rock wall they were all moving morphing into the shape of a gigantic praying mantis.
I thought I was in mario world looking to my left there was a normal mansion sitting there to me it was bouncing morphing changing colors I had to lie back down.
My brain started to crawl itseemed in and out my head the sensation of spirits and souls crawling in out of my body the weirdest feeling.
Everything starts to slow down I'm coming back to reality everything is coming back to me I'm alive again .
I felt very loopy aftter very weird and my mind felt like I just opened many closed doors.
It almost felt like the devil was taking my hand and forcing me into my dreams nothing seemed real noone can help me I was insane.

I would like to try again but maybe in a diferent setting I heard if u close ur eyes while tripping u see the craziest shit . So dont panic all reality will come back to you.
~tHe PeaCefuL Ston3R

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65656
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2018Views: 1,012
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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