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Bonfire E
MDMA (Ecstasy)
by Bolo
Citation:   Bolo. "Bonfire E: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp65663)". Nov 27, 2010.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Before I took this AMAZING drug. I had tried weed three times prior, and Ether once over a week's period of time. I got depressed once, and didn't like the laziness of it. But it did kinda keep me steady, though for some reason I don't want to do it again. I don't want to do anything else but 'e'. Anyways, I've always wanted to try ecstasy, but was scared of the possibility of an addiction I could produce from taking it. My liking for Electronic Dance Music has driven me to try it by all the lyrics about love and how ecstasy and sex are pretty much the greatest things out there. Were they right? YES! They were!! Ecstasy is everything and more than I expected from it. I can't believe I didn't go for it earlier!

It started when someone invited my friend. We'll call him Mud. And I to a bonfire. Before we went, Mud got me a pill. I was a little scared because my other friend. We'll call him Kip, was ranting on saying such things as 'This looks smaller than usual' and 'There is no stamp'. Then he started talking about new age 'shit'. How it could be the newest thing and be more amazing than anything else out there. I felt a little better, but I didn't like the idea of experimenting. Soon, our ride would arrive to go to a guy's house next to an orchard. There were maby 30 or more people there. Everyone was drunk and a few people were smoking Weed, and taking Datura. I was the only one on E.

Me, and a few others went deep into the orchards. Here, I took my pill... In about 25 mins I was feeling this weird energy going down my left arm to my pinky and ring finger. Felt... Cool, i guess you could describe it as. But the thing that made me feel the best was when Kip got me to do something I encourage everyone else to try.

He said 'Are you feelin it?'

'Yeah, a little bit'

'Here, do this'

He stood next to me, told me to look up, close my eyes, and feel the wind. I did this, focused on the wind and thinking about my surroundings. Now, this may sound like fantasy. But at this point, he told me to breath in deeply and exhale. As soon as I started letting out. Energy, lots, and lots, of Happy Energy was flowing through me. I even got this feeling like I was floating. I felt like my feet came off the ground then back down. It's exactly what you think going Super Saiyan would feel like. That's the best way I could describe it. At this moment, my eyes widened. My hands slowly closed and opened as if I just jumped into a new body. I turned to the side of me where everyone was in a small circle talking and smoking. They felt like my Best Friends. Like I knew them since elementary school and they would always be there for me.

As I walked over, I stared at the ground for a minute noticing my smile and how all little things that bother me like Rubbing my eye or Scratching my leg were no longer there. Then, I got this warm feeling. As if the Pill was in the middle of my chest, it was letting all the energy out. And... I don't know how to explain this part. But It felt like all feelings were just on the outside of my skin. As if it were dying to touch things. As soon as I felt this, someone flicked a lighter. I didn't look at the lighter, but I most Definitely noticed it. It felt... Sorta say.. Right to be there. Like it was close to me and had meaning.

Now, at this point. I start talking, getting used to the feeling. Boy, was I talking a lot. I could remember EVERYTHING. I remembered all the best times I've had with friends. My sex life. All the information I wanted to share with people I could remember! Like my philosophy on religion and the origin of life. I told details of how I used to want to be a 'hacker' and used to think it was cool. I shared a Lot of things. And it felt so wonderful being care free.

Here, the experiencing kicked in. I jumped in the air. What a rush, I felt like I had an extra boost under my shoes and jumped higher than usual! I dropped flat onto the dirt on my bottom. It felt like the most Wonderful pillow I had ever came into contact with. When I landed, there was waves of energy coming out of the dirt like when you hit water with a rock and the world felt so different. Every little thing had Beauty all over it. I wanted to go check things out. But I also just wanted to sit there and enjoy the feeling. I stood up and walked around the group of friends a few times 'till someone pointed out what I was doing. I just had to walk around.

When I settled down and tried to focus on my feeling. I smiled. Big. Then, I smiled out loud. Sounds weird. But said EEEEEEEEEEEE. I felt amazing..I didn't want it to go away. I also wondered to myself why no one else around me liked this stuff! And I wanted them to feel like me! I decided to touch my shirt.. I kept touching it.. Over and over. To the point where it was a regular doing and I did it pretty much all night. It didn't feel really good... More of a, 'I have to do this' feeling. I enjoyed it still. A LOT. A sudden erge to call someone came about. I pulled out my cell phone and the thoughts in my head were 'Holy shit.. A cell phone!!!'. I looked at it for a few mins thinking about all the amazing things I could do with it. I ended up not calling anyone for the sake of safety.

My friends and I wanted to go back to the house where most of the people are at. As I see the fire I start smiling again. I stare in amazement as people just talk to each other. I talked to a few people and I guess they really enjoy what I was saying. Here comes the part where the weed smokers get hungry. So we have the one sober guy drive us to taco bell. Since I was on E, I was being very nice and got food for Mud and someone else. I don't remember who. Before we took off I 'kept whispering in the driver's ear and asking him if he was ok. He was laughing at how I was acting and said he was fine. We got to taco bell. (Which was probley the funniest part of my trip). and made two orders. One for the front seat. One for the back. I was next to the window and ordering.. Omg, that was great. The guy sounded stressed out and when we had to change our order I was saying Sorry a lot and it was obvious I was on something. My friends got me to calm down luckily. As we were driving, I had this huge sex talk with Kip. For like, the whole ride pretty much. It wasn't turning me on or anything. It was just an 'Amazing' topic to talk about.

I got sad for a few secs when I found out we were not going back to the Bonfire. But of course, I was very happy again. Me and Mud went back to our other friend's apartment. We spent hours talking.. er. At least thats how I felt. They eventually got tired and I stayed up all night by myself. It wasn't pleasant being alone. But I was already coming down at this moment. I had full focus on the cats playing in the room. I watched them wake up, eat, play,then go to sleep again. I was just so focused on 'em. The only time I stopped was to play video games. I got annoyed by the games, but while playing Shadow of the Colossus, the guy had this trail of movement following him. Made for a great visual.

The only bad part of the comedown was not being able to sleep. When I layed down, my body had this weird exchange of energy. My eyes had more feeling when they were closed and my body had very little. It was awkward. But as a finishing note. If the pills were 30$ and I threw up every time. I'd still take 'em. It was that amazing and I encourage this drug over any other.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65663
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2010Views: 8,919
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Large Group (10+) (19)

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