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The Evolution of Heaven to Hell
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Mr. Now. "The Evolution of Heaven to Hell: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp65713)". Erowid.org. Oct 14, 2010. erowid.org/exp/65713

20 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
    repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Listen I'm very sorry if this report is long winded. I myself do not usually have the patience to read long reports, and that's unfortunate. But I strongly believe contained in this report is a message that 'some' must hear. What that is? Even I dont know.

I've written an experience about this cactus before which can be viewed on this website. It's almost disturbing to me to see that it has been read a few thousand times. Why? It's not that I find the information therin to be misleading, but however very revealing to the state of mind I was in at that time in my life. I plugged this cactus as an 'acid substitute' and made statements such as 'this plant does not seem to have any spirit attached to it.' I scoff at this now. I am now a disabled veteran, I have been burned by this substance a few times, almost to a point that it makes my hair stand up still when I think about some of those trips.

I can never again take this cactus alone by itself. The experience is rather draining, and after some of these things I've seen on it in conjunction with nitrous, all naked trips seem to pale in comparison to the mixture of a psychedelic and nitrous oxide. My preperation of the dried material is included in my previous report 'gel cap method.' I should also add that a few days prior to a trip, I'll buy a case of about 600 indivdual nitrous oxide containers from various online vendors. The cheapest I've found has been around $160 and it's unfortuante that I have to say different brands of the gas have different quality. Price is probably a factor.

On an August night, I very spontaneously decided I was going to trip that night, rather than the previous planned night. This is often the case. I had fought with my wife this night, and decided I was going to trip alone in spite of her. I ingested about 20 pills of ground dried cactus material. Sometimes I vomit in about an hour or so, on this night, there was no nausea. As the effects began, thus also began the hedonistic comsumption of nitrous oxide. About three canisters at a time in a punch ball balloon. Nitrous oxide is the bees knees to me, and mixed with mescaline . . . WOW! I dont know if you've ever seen the Aristocrats, but it was on the televison, and I watched it as I sat and listened to the 'Saturday Night Fever' soundtrack on a pair of headphones. I know this seems bizarre, and it is really. But that kind of music just seems to stave off what could be a possible bad trip.

Entities of an angelic, very giddy and happy nature were definately hanging around me, very amused at what I was doing. What began to happen is a phenomenon that I don't know if it would happen to just anyone if they were going to do this, but in the height of a nitrous high, (which is fleeting and quick) the images on the television would change in a very intellegent manner. I couldn't hear what all these famous comedians were saying, but their intention was very present, and I began to laugh my ass off. Now, as i was saying, sometimes the images on the tv would change. I saw the afterlife. I saw what angels look like. They lept and bound across their almost 'ancient greece' looking world in defiance of the laws of physics. I've seen the Aristocrats before, I'm pretty sure it didnt have that in it.

'Saturday Night Fever' soundtrack was soon over. I do not have a large collection CD's. But in that collection were two best of classical music CD's I had bought for like 4 dollars and never listened too. I had no intention of listening to them for any long length of time. Really just a ' I wonder what this will sound like when I do a whip it,' passing curiosity. I'm sure some of you are familar with the theme from 2001 space oddessy, if not, just know that it is a very majestic piece that demands your attention.

I moved outside to the patio which was on the 8th floor, looking almost directly east at the virginia coast line. The air was neither hot nor cold, just perfect. As I inhaled that gas for the first time out on the patio while exposed to the elements, sunrise started to officially begin. And it was totally synchronized with these very famous themes of classical music which we have almost all heard in todays media. I just never really realized how ingenius they were. They stimulated a trip way more insightful and beautiful than crazy techno music, rock music, or anything for that matter ever could. Before i knew it, the first CD was over, all the while I'm slipping in and out of tangible reality as I do one whip it, after another.

I don't mean to offend anyone, but I say without hesitation, this was a trip to go down in history. I was definately being noticed by the universe and higher ups. They spared no expense to give the most amazing show a human could possibly experience. I'd go so far as to say, this was probably one of the most beautiful, although be it bizarre trips in all of history. The sunrise, at that moment in time, truly was a celebration, God was celebrating the coming new day. . . . . . . . . . . . but please take note of this. My wife at one point came out and said, 'you're face is all blue.' I gave her a sarcastic deep breath and carried on depriving myself of oxygen.

I tried to recreate the experience a few weeks later. I was not successful. It wasn't a bad trip per say. Just .. . dark. I had at the time a 4 month old kitty. For what seemed like an hour, he stared very intently at a corner of the room, an area where a 'visitor' had arrived. I had not slept that much that day, and my trip was far from accompanied by angels. I think they were asleep too. That was the impression the ouija board I had sitting next to me gave me. (for some reason I'm able to use those things by myself when I'm on any substance.)That 'visitor' sat in the ceiling corner for quite some time, the cat just intently stared. I said aloud, ' I dont mind if you're here, just behave yourself.' They seemed to comply.

My wife hates when I do this. (take mescaline and do one whip it after another.) In the year we lived there I did it about 5 times. Each time she claims I was inviting entities into the house that were not satisfied with just hanging around me, but came into the bedroom and bothered her as well. I wouldn't say they bothered me, I thought I was bullet proof. I didn't care if I opened any gateways. Hey, I'm an old soul right? Who's gonna mess with me? Ignorance. I think what bothered her most was that I was just sitting there like a zombie inhaling one balloon after another, . . . this can't be healthy.

Something is telling me that it is absolutely necessary to report this. If i can save one person from making the mistake I did, then I've saved a soul I believe. I've done my job. I've already explained in very minimal detail what the most beautiful trip in the world can be like. Allow me to share the factors that brought one of the worst trips of all time. Well . . . I'm sure there have been worse. In fact Im sure I've had worse. So I'll try to make this quick so as to not lose your attention.

My wife went out of town. YAY! I can trip in peace and not have someone in the other room mad at me for freezing my lungs. I had woken up that day, hungover, went and put in a 12 hour shift at the hospital. It was raining and dreary. The apartment was a mess. Well, out of order anyway. I was exhausted when I got home, but I did it anyway. Took about 25 pills this time. . . . . . I've only been tripping for about 15 minutes when what happened next gives me chills to this day when I think about it. I inhaled the gas while looking at my wife's cat, which is an old cat. Hallucinations are usually subjective, meaning, . . . . to me they're there, but they're not, ya know? I saw in plain view, a very large black cat like creature, lean down over my wifes cat and hug it. Then it disappeared. Some kind of cat God?

I continued to do whip its, in denial that very slowly a bad trip was starting. I felt very hostile energy around me. Where I lived was very near where civil war battles had taken place. In an effort to turn this trip into a spiritual conquest, i put on native american music. Readers, in my living room, i saw an 1800's US army soldier ride up to me on a horse, kick me in the face as my blood and teeth flew out of my mouth. I felt no pain, but had just relived some moment in history. I was in complete complete complete denial that this trip was going to be bad, and it was just getting worse.

Visions, so real it scares me now, of cats. I dont know what it is about cats, but we only own two. There were suddenly more than two in the apt. Just a slight slight puff off the balloon enabled me to see them very clearly, it was not like a disassoiative state at all. Then all hell broke loose. My cat, the younger one, started running everywhere around the apt SCREAMING! No hallucination here. And as he did so, HE SHIT EVERYWHERE. I came out of a nitrous high, and the cat had shit everywhere! When i say everywhere, i mean it was everywhere, and it was diarreah too, so you know he was stepping in it and tracking it everywhere. He sat in the corner breathing heavily with a freaked out look on his face. Some may claim he most likely got into my mescaline and ate it. No, that's not what happened. I'm positive. I had opened a BAD gateway. And whatever was in my apt was feeding off my fear.

I was tripping so hard I wasn't even aware of the intensity. I was confused. And I was crawling all over my apt on my hands and knees trying to clean up cat diarreah. Another strange phenomenon happened. Tear drops. That's what I think they are. But sometimes when I trip, a strange drop of water or two will just drop out of no where and on to my skin. No, my ceiling was not leaking. But as I sat there with my hand in cat shit, a drop of water fell from no where and onto my wedding ring. I don't want to get into what's behind this. I'm just documenting this paranormal activity.

When all the cat shit was finally cleaned, I went back to my spot. Still fearful and anxious, still that feeling like someone is right behind me, right up next to me, breathing on my neck. I was determined to make this trip good. I did just one little puff off of the whip it balloon, hardly disassociated at all. And what was a picture of an underwater scene on the tv, just turned into unrecognizable pyschedelic non sense. This was supposed to be cool. And most people would think it's cool. Scared shitless is what I was. I sat there for two hours, doing nothing. No whip its, just sitting there, scared and confused. Afraid to move.

I put on Johnny Cash eventually, said fuck it, did a big whip it. . . . I managed to turn the trip around. A lyric of jonny Cash singing ' Reach out and touch faith '. I invited some mean military drill intrustor type angel in, and although he could not get rid of these cat demons he kept them at bay. I thought of my RDC from bootcamp. (thats like drill seargent) Suddenly I was empowered. I barked at the spirits to stay the fuck away from me. I had accomplished something big. It was not a happy trip at all. It was an angry one. But thats better than a scary one in my book. I wasn't angry that I had given into my fear, but angry that something so cowardly would feed off of my fear.

In my crumpled black rain coat on the floor I could see that big black cat from earlier. His ears all pulled back like he was being cornered by a big dog. When sunrise was official, while in a whip it high, i saw a bunch of cats scurrying around the apts trying to hide in shadows, they disappated as the light of day hit them, they looked scared. And they something about them didn't look right. Like it was some evil creature wearing a fuzzy cute cat suit. Essentially, to some this is what cats are anyway.

So . . . . that night has totally given me PTSD symptoms. I can't even do whip its by themselves for fear of a flashback. Since then i've done whip-its while watching the morning news and the image on the tv will turn into a scene of a large orgy of women and the devil is in the middle of it all. Im not sure I believe in a devil, but it's still scary.

My wife has told me to include that each of these trips was closed off with me drinking about 9-10 beers, further adding to my 'beat up' feeling the next day. I also failed to mention another paranormal detail. The presence of angel wings. Some times they brush past me, even across, or into my eye. Kinda hurts, but it doesn't. Angel wings seem metallic, almost unbreakable, and there is intricate artwork interlaced on them, like hieroglyphics almost. Oh, and they're BIG! I should also add that what really seemed to bring that bad trip to a halt was drinking beer. It just has the power deafen unwanted influences around me. Which I guess is why homeless schizophrenic guys drink so much. Self medication.

Okay, this report is finally over and way too long. I know I usually dont have the patience to read reports this long, and that's unfortunate. But I really hope this message falls on the right people it needs too. If I ever do this again, I'm going to buy a dog first. Some form of psychosis revolving around cats has been instilled in me. I can't wait till i have a dog actually.


Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65713
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2010Views: 6,247
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Entities / Beings (37), Post Trip Problems (8), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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