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12-Hour Odyssey
by Pan
Citation:   Pan. "12-Hour Odyssey: An Experience with 2C-E (exp65790)". Sep 24, 2007.

30 mg oral 2C-E
30 mg 2C-E taken orally produced an extraordinarily intense and positive experience. My companion in the venture, who is significantly larger than me, ingested the same dosage and reported effects of the same intensity.

Duration: 12 hours

Setting: Nighttime, in a familiar and comfortable room, among several good friends. Friendly and comfortable atmosphere with plenty of visual stimuli: black light, tapestries, red hanging lantern, lava lamp, etc. Gorgeous and soothing instrumental music playing.

The Come-up:

Extreme. Possibly too intense for the squeamish and/or those unfamiliar with hallucinogens. Less than two minutes after ingestion, an Ecstacy-like body high came on and rose rapidly in intensity. I hadn’t eaten dinner too recently, as I recall, so there probably wasn’t much in my stomach. After approximately 10 minutes, the high had intensified to the point of discomfort. I felt extremely tense and was plagued by phantom nausea, on the brink of being overwhelmed by the rapid acceleration of the high. My companion was overcome by the nausea and vomited a few times, but one of our friends tended to him until he felt stable. I was alone in the room at this point, and I was thankful for the serenity. If the area had been noisy, crowded, or stressful, this stage could have been frightening.

Uncomfortable mental and bodily tension continued for an indefinite span of time, probably about 20 minutes. I dealt with it by lying on my back on the couch, breathing deeply and slowly, closing my eyes, and concentrating on calming thoughts. A soft, beautiful song was playing, one that has great emotional/spiritual significance to me, and it soothed me into a trancelike (but still slightly alarming) state. Mustering my willpower, I visualized myself in the company of a comforting goddess-figure, and the more I concentrated on the idea the more it seemed real, almost like a waking dream, though my eyes were closed and I saw nothing. The goddess seemed to speak to me, comforting me, and I conversed with her (not aloud), feeling as if she had taken my hand in hers.

This was actually one of the highlights of the entire trip, the divine sense of reassurance and inclusion I felt then was probably the closest thing I’ve had to a spiritual experience. She “told” me some things I will never forget, though all the while I was aware that I was really just talking to myself in an altered state. Still, the bits of “dialogue” that floated up – some of which were deeply meaningful – would not have come to me in a state of sobriety, I took them to heart and have benefited from them since. A warm sense of calm and self-control gradually spread through me, and I knew I had thought my way through the worst of it. The nausea and tension had disappeared completely. The come-up was over.

The Trip:

Having reached a stable state, I sat up on the couch and was joined by my companion and our friends. We lounged around and talked. I was entirely lucid. If anything, I was more articulate than usual, with pleasurably heightened sensory perception and a drastically altered mindstate. I felt profoundly comfortable and joyful, and I lost my sense of time. If there had been no clock, I would have had absolutely no idea that the trip lasted for 12 hours. Though almost the entire duration was spent sitting on the couch, it never seemed the slightest bit tedious. Time never dragged, it became irrelevant. My mental and physical perception was heightened to such an extent that the experience was exciting from start to finish. There was enough stimuli right in that room to delight me endlessly, I didn’t want to go anywhere else. Things like eating Sour Patch Kids, stroking a friend’s hair, talking philosophy, and playing with a glow-in-the-dark buckyball were so wonderfully thrilling that I felt as if I had worlds at my fingertips. The sense of elation, peace, and general well-being was indescribable.

Early in the trip, I went to use the bathroom and found myself in awe of, almost overwhelmed by, the textures and white surfaces around me. Every sensation demanded my full (and willing) attention, so much so that I kept forgetting what I was doing momentarily. Just going into that other room felt like a little adventure. As I moved to the sink to wash my hands, I sort of fell forward with my forehead against the mirror, caught up in a sudden ecstasy. Green fireworks burst inside my head, and I felt as if I were orgasming. Involuntarily, my mouth opened and my eyes squeezed shut. Finally I made it back into the other room, hands washed, giddy and glowing from the episode. I settled back down on the couch.

Eventually (though I have no idea when) I began to hallucinate: the walls and the lantern and the objects around me all seemed to be breathing in and out, swelling and relaxing, swelling and relaxing in the most benign manner. Soon they seemed to have heartbeats as well. The room around me was alive, and I felt held by it. Tracers were extreme: the visual lag on fast-moving things was about half a second, which meant that when my friend undulated her arms up and down it looked like she had eight of them, a beautiful sight that recalled depictions of Shiva. That was the full extent of the visual effects.

At another point I was sitting cross-legged and I felt distinctly as if I was levitating a few inches above the couch cushion, I delightedly shared this with my friends, laughing and enjoying it tremendously. It was a true sense of weightlessness, such as I’ve only felt before in flying dreams. It was wonderful. The sensation lasted for a minute or so.

The most eminent effect of the drug, however, was the deep calm and happiness it instilled in me for the duration of the trip. I feel as if the experience actually healed some self-esteem issues that had been plaguing me for a long time. It didn’t make them disappear, by any means, but it was as if I could feel them softening, mending. My friends were lounging around the room, and we were all engaged in an affectionate, intellectual conversation. As we talked, a vague feeling of inferiority started to creep into the back of my mind, as it often does, but this time I arrested the emotion and studied it. I’m not usually able to handle the feeling with rational detachment like that, and when I did so I decided that there was no good reason for me to feel that way.

I assured myself of my skill as a writer and looked around at my friends, silently appreciating their skills as musicians, artists, and thinkers. The light was a dim purple-red. And all at once I felt as if I was a god lounging among gods, somewhere like Olympus, maybe, all of us with our individual gifts and powers, perfect equals. I felt confident and secure in myself. More than secure, even— glad, proud. Happy with who I was and what I could do. The vividness of that feeling stayed with me even after the 2C-E wore off, and I’m convinced that it had lasting positive effects on my self-image.

The Come-down:

Gradual and gentle. The hallucinations went away unnoticed, the sensations softened, the mindstate eased slowly back toward normal, and eventually I realized that I was returning to sobriety. My friends, aside from my trip companion, had gone. I checked the clock and noted that it had been almost exactly 12 hours since ingestion. I was very tired at this point, having stayed up all night, so as the sun came up I snuggled into bed, which felt especially luxuriant, and quickly fell asleep.


Tiredness. A drained feeling, but not an unpleasant one, as if my brain needed to rest. It lasted for about a day and then everything was back to normal. It has now been almost a year since then, and I have experienced no negative repercussions. I do not plan on doing 2C-E again, the experience was so singularly intense that I feel no need to experiment with the substance any further, especially since there is so little known about it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 65790
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2007Views: 18,970
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2C-E (137) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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