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Greg... Why Are You in the Ground?
Morning Glory
Citation:   Shoop. "Greg... Why Are You in the Ground?: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp65866)". Erowid.org. Oct 11, 2018. erowid.org/exp/65866

150 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  .5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
One of my friends had told me that he had ordered about 3000 seeds of Morning Glory and that he should trip with me, along with my other friend.

So a few days later on a Saturday we all arrived at my friend Greg's house because his parents were gone until Tuesday. This all happened over Christmas break and this was our last weekend of the break. So at 6 or 7 o'clock we decided to take some. I took 150, since it was my first experience. Greg took 100, also his first time. And Elvis, my other friend, took about 400 since he was fairly experienced. After we took our doses I packed a bowl, smoked it between the three of us, then another half until I was out.

We decided to get the stereo going and chill in his sun room. Elivs had a Sam Adams logger(this is to be remember for future reference.) and we all just sat around and talked for 30 or 45 minutes, no one really felt anything yet. For some reason we went into his kitchen and got something to drink (I think...) and then I stopped, they asked what was wrong and I said 'I think I feel something'

Elvis and I went to have a cigarette after this and I felt the extreme urge to run around his backyard, so I did. I jumped around and looked at the ground, it was kind of waving. The next few experiences I had I dont remember in any particular chronological order but it went something like this

-The moon looked like an orange and it was exploding

-We lost our friend G in his own house/backyard (it had about a dozen trees pretty close together) and this is when the title of this article comes into play. I ran out into the backyard looking for Greg while Elvis looked inside the house. I found a stump that looked like G's face and said 'Greg why are you in the ground? Get up we have to go find Elvis. Greg come on... Wait... You aren't Greg... Greg get up!'

-we played hide and seek and I forgot I was the seeker

-we found a trampoline and I thought I was on the titanic after we got on it

-I found Aztec ruins in G's sun room carpet

-E spilled logger on G's leather chair G said 'dude you spilled beer on my chair' and E replied 'no dude its ok, its just logger' and G was relieved that it wasn't beer...

-the constellation orion tryed to sell me weed

-I ran through the dozen or so trees in Greg's backyard and thought I was in the Blair Witch Project

-We watched 'Strange Brew' and I thought the MGN lion logo was going to eat me

I dont know if I was just particularly sensitive or what but it was a great time.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 65866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2018Views: 691
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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