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Amazing Relief From Allergies
Citation:   Hoggle. "Amazing Relief From Allergies: An Experience with Kratom (exp65951)". Aug 21, 2018.

5 g oral Kratom (tea)
I stumbled across Kratom recently and gave it a shot. I was pleasantly suprised with the results.

I am an allergy sufferer and the other day was a particularly 'blossoming' day. My nose wouldn't stop running, my face felt awful, and my entire body felt succeptable to every speck of dust in the universe! Ragweed season is the pits!

Nevertheless, I put 5 grams of dried leaf material in to a pot, and kept the stove on medium-low with the lid on. Every few minutes I would open the lid, stir the concotion counter-clockwise for a bit, and sing to it (sometimes I feel like a little creativity can go a long way when preparing a medicine). After 20 minutes or so, poured the liquid/leaves over a cheesecloth covered container. After all the liquid had been poured, and the leaves separated in to the cheese cloth, I wrang out the remaining brown/greenish liquid in to the cup of strained tea.

Once it cooled, I drank most of it over the course of half an hour. Within an hour, I noticed nearly ALL symptoms of the day's allergies HAD VANISHED! I've had allergies all of my life, and NEVER, has anything relieved them in such a way. Sudafed sometimes relieves me like this, but always gives me WEIRD side effects. The only side effect that I notice with the Kratom is a slight euphoria/altered sense of things.

Now, I've only used this Kratom a few times. I have no idea what might happen to someone who uses it ALL the time. The clerk at the store I purchased the Kratom from said he's been using it everyday for 2 years. He said that whenever he doesn't drink it, he can get a little irritable, but never out of control. I imagine the addiction/withdrawl potential of Kratom is similar to that of Coffee or Yerba Mate'. Not so bad.

All in all, yet another one of Nature's fascinating creations.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65951
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 21, 2018Views: 999
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Kratom (203) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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