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Can of Worms
Citation:   gilbo. "Can of Worms: An Experience with LSD (exp66063)". Dec 6, 2021.

4 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I've been curious about acid ever since I was in high school but has never been granted the opportunity to experience it. Being 23 years old and living in a small Australian suburb I often wonder and even worry whether I'll ever get to try acid. I've done weed, speed and ecstasy but never anything beyond this. The idea of hallucinating fascinates me and movies like Fear and Loathing are my cup of tea. The other week I decided to send some stray messages around to some mates to see if they could get hold of any lsd. One of my mates immediately replied with a positive answer. I was over whelmed with the thought of getting some fuking acid! He said he’d just got some new stuff in that was %80 mdma and %20 acid. I was disappointed to hear that only %20 of the trip was acid but was still obviously quite keen to try it. He also said that they were $35 each which I knew was overpriced for acid, however the price was quite unconcerning to me really.

So the other day I rang old mate and he said he had sold all of the tabs but had saved me 1.5. At 8pm Friday night my mate came round and warned me to take only have half because it was strong he said. I found this quite strange considering the percent ratio. I got my usual weekly supply of e’s along with the 1.5 tabs. Being a humble pill taker I often double drop to get the effect and thought that I better take at least one whole tab. Another mate R was over at the time getting some pills and said that he would like half as well. So I traded him a half of the tab for half of a pill. The tabs were tiny just under 1 cm squared and was a white piece of paper with a red love heart on it.

I was probably about 4 beers up at this point and me and R drove to his place to work out what we should do for the night. I didn’t really care what I did that night as this was my first acid experience. No more than 5 minutes had passed before we eagerly dropped the tabs. The time was about 8.30pm. I put it on my tongue and rolled it around and it tasted a bit bitter but not as bitter as I thought it would. When the taste had gone I swallowed the paper. A good 40 minutes passed before we could feel anything. This was my mates R’s first acid time too so he was a bit skeptical. I was sitting at the table watching tv and R was pacing around the room almost agitated. I kept saying what are you doing? Sit down. And he didn’t really reply.

J rang R and was talking to him on the phone and R looked at me and said that it was starting to kick in. I agreed and we both begun to get energy waves. Similar to the come on feeling I get with pills. We decided to go get some drinks around the corner, R wasn’t drinking but I was a bit weary of the acid kicking in when he was driving. We pulled up at the drive through and sat looking at the display piece of the car. Every object or panel or design in the car began to literally move. The colours had this amazing fluro 3D tweak. 2 six packs of OP rum please, I said to the drivethru guy. Me and R both laughed and commented on how the car was moving.

We got back to R’s house and J and C were waiting out the front to collect their pills. Me and R both started laughing and we all went inside. As soon as I got in the kitchen I was confronted and absorbed with an amazing set of visuals. The table was constantly flowing and moving, and waves of fluro purple and green and orange smothered the room. J and C asked me what I was doing as I was standing in the kitchen for over 10 minutes just staring at things. I told them how the table was moving.

Everything was alive! It was like someone had just opened a big motherfucking can of worms. Everything was spilling out of everything and constantly moving. I looked at the floor and it was inundated with holes and maggot type movements. Like a boneyard setting or something. Unreal! I was literally speechless just soaking in all of these visuals. I looked at my skin and it was moving too, fluro blue worms were inconspicuously moving around under my skin. It was amazing. During all of this I was continuously called by another mate A to get them pills and said we would meet up with them soon.

Me R, C and J drove to A’s place. I believe it was peaking at this point and A came out and talked to us. He then went inside and I followed and soon as I hit the lights through his door A’s room had turned into another living breathing moving colourful sanctuary. I looked at A’s face and it was moving and blurry, and he started saying something but it was almost in slow motion. And I couldn’t hear what he said I just looked at him with utter confusion. His face was warping out and his skin was yellowish.
I just looked at him with utter confusion. His face was warping out and his skin was yellowish.
It reminded me of the scene in Fear and Loathing where he trips out on the cash lady. This was actually happening I thought. My first acid experience. It was as good if not better than I had expected.

I had decided that this acid was quite secure and clean. I doubt R was experiencing the level I was, and knew that taking half would be a waste of time really. As this was my first time I didn’t really care what my friends were doing as I was consumed with the surreal visual hallucinations that the mighty LSD had promised. Perhaps that statement was a bit too light as I found myself sitting in a ferry terminal carpark at 12.00am on a Friday night by myself. Between these visuals, paranoid friends, and pill and weed searching I had found myself separated from R, J, C and A.

A and his friends dragged me to the ferry terminal where they were going to a full moon party on the island. As much of this idea probably would have been perfect while on acid, I was not prepared to just jump on a fuking ferry and cruise off so I stopped following them and sat on the grass. If I were appropriately dressed, funded and prepared I may of gone with them but did not think it was a good idea otherwise. So here I am first time on acid and I'm peaking, probably, by myself. How sad I thought.

I soon started to feel that I been betrayed and left behind. It was at this point I knew some people freak out and have a ‘bad trip’. I was actually quite confused and couldn’t really work out why I even got in the car with A and his mates. It all happens so fast and I just kinda go with the flow. I had never felt a feeling of time loss as much as I did at this point. Obviously I should of stayed with R and J and C. Anyway I realized I had kinda fuked that up so I had to find a way home. And I only had about six dollars in my wallet, of course, so this was yet to be another mission in itself. Oi (*&^%&*&^%) G yelled out.

I walked over to G and looked into his pupil enlarged demon pill eyes and wondered whether he was on acid too but doubted it. I didn’t even tell him I was on acid. I didn’t even really care. I got home and tried to work out what I should do. I tried calling my mates but I couldn’t get on to any of them. The hallucinations were still thriving and I was again captivated by the room I was in. My general vision was – objects were a bit blurry, colourful and warping. But if I focused in on an object it would start doing it’s own thing. Almost like I could control the visuals of each object. When I focused on the right speaker of my stereo it moulded into a face that kept changing and moving. It moved in waves with intervals of 1 second. Like it was posing for me or something. It resembled a carton Disney type creature. Kind of like Pinocchio.

I didn’t sleep that night and visuals had returned to normal by the late morning. The hangover was nothing worse than your normal pill binger. In fact the hang over was quite neglectable. Anyway cut a long story short, that night was definitely the best drug experience, possibly my best night I've ever had. The visuals were orgasmic. A definite thumbs up. Will I try it again? Definitely. Will I plan my night better next time? Absolutely =)

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66063
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Dec 6, 2021Views: 503
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