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Throbbing Reality
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   yellerfro. "Throbbing Reality: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp6613)". Mar 10, 2002.

2.5 g smoked Salvia divinorum (powder / crystals)
Last night I decided to try Salvia Divinorum, and I was incredibly suprised by the intensity of the experience. Using a mortar and pestle, I crushed 5 grams of leaf into very fine powder for myself and a few friends. Using a 12' water-pipe I took a few lung-fulls and felt a pleasant body high with some relaxing results on my psyche.

My friend broke the bowl on the water-pipe, and because I felt I wasn't achieving the full effect, we drove to a friends house to see if he had another smoking implement for us to use. It turned out he had a 5 foot high glass water-pipe, so I loaded it up with more salvia. After taking several huge hits, I began to hallucinate wildly. My entire reality became a throbbing and pulsing wave of color, which followed the beat of whatever music I was playing. Colors danced, and visual distortion made the size and shape of anything around me almost impossible to determine. I could say it was as intense as any LSD trip I've experienced, only much more relaxing. There was no intense anxiety or coming down. I felt a great urge to dance and join my throbbing world, but I was content to sit still and let my mind wander. The eyelid visuals were also very intense. I felt as if I was being 'enlighted' for the duration of the night. The most intense period was the first half-hour or so, with a very slow fade for around 2 hours. I was then more or less back down, with a relaxed and happy demeanor. I then went to bed for the night and slept very well.

Waking up today was easy, and I feel a sort of appreciation for everything around me. I plan to experiment more with salvia in the future.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6613
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2002Views: 8,965
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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