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Battle Royale and Kittens
Citation:   Yayunk. "Battle Royale and Kittens: An Experience with LSD (exp66136)". Feb 3, 2018.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  3 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
So, I recently just found a very reliable acid connection. It being something that I always wanted to do I went and bought some the day I found out about it. Instead of waiting for a good day when I could hang out with friends I chose a night that I had to sleep in my own house. Having experimented with salvia before and loving it I had real high hopes for acid.

So I took it and sat down in my room to watch Dude, Wheres my Car. I got to the ostrich scene and still nothing happened. I was pretty angry. But then I got a phonecall and my friend invited me to go smoke with him and some other kids. I went outside and then I just felt a little bit off, I couldn't really put it into words. I saw lots of stuff flying around in the sky but I still couldn't tell you if it was birds or not.

I actually have a lot of sober hallucinations, I constantly see people looking at me or walking around staring at me. Its been going on for years, so I'm just used to it now.

But anyway, I met up with the kids and smoked probably 4 bowl packs before I got dropped back off at home. There were no increases from when I left my house, so I figured my source wasn't as reliable as I had thought. I turned on the crazy asian flick Battle Royale and fast forwarded it to when they are inside the school. Then all of a sudden from the top right corner of my vision it turned bright lime green. I could see the light reflecting on things around and when it very quickly dropped to the bottom let corner of my vision.

I sat in awe for a moment because I didn't think it could happen so suddenly. Then everything started to glow and change between blue, green, red, purple, orange, and yellow. Then everything had its own individual pulse, everything just pulsated for so long. I started to watch the movie in complete awe, and realized I was so into it that my eyes were watering almost the entire time.

I finished with that and wet into my basement and played with my pure white persian cat. He wasnt pure white when I was petting him, but he still rocked. For hours that went on, then I finally fell asleep.

I love acid.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2018Views: 1,010
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LSD (2) : Various (28), Combinations (3), General (1)

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