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Satisfaction in a Bottle
Citation:   Absinthium. "Satisfaction in a Bottle: An Experience with Absinthe (exp66193)". Apr 13, 2018.

150 mg oral Absinthe (liquid)
  150 mg oral Absinthe (liquid)
Its a Saturday boring evening and I decided to buy some beer from a near liqour store in a Japanese city and at the the time I got there I spotted this very familiar looking bottle of liqour which has the name 'Hermes Absinthe' written on it and I was quite surprised coz I didnt expect to find this very rare kind of beverage on such a local liqour store. Without any hesitation I grabbed it and paid for it and see whats the buzz is all about.I went home and opened it, it didnt smell bad at all like what I've expected coz I thought its gonna be a hell of a stinch coz from what I've heard its a high-proof liqour.

I did the proper preparation for it, a 1 to 3 ratio of absinthe with cold water and sugar. I took my first sip and I found the taste quite amazing and no other kind of beverage I've ever tasted before is similar to it. I've been drinking different kind of alcohols for abour 4 years now and nothing taste like it. Now as I enjoy my favorite music which is jazz, I started drinking it like it was just a milkshake and I really loved the taste like I can drink a whole lot of it. I finished my first glass and I feel like I still need another one and then I repeat the ritual and all that louching stuff in front of my computer and at this time while I was doing it the absinthe is taking its effects.

I felt a very different kind of buzz kinda similar to your friend THC, a stony effect like I dont wanna move a lot and I just wanna listen or watch anything that is in front of me. I felt satisfaction. I am so relaxed that I think that I am gonna fall asleep any second now. The second glass is now in front of me, I started drinking the substance again and I finished it immediately and I remember saying to myself 'What a tasty drink'. Now by this time I feel very relax and very comfortable with my chair and its like I cant wish for anything anymore, the jazz music is still on and and I just keep listening to it until I cant hold my drowsiness anymore. I fell asleep and had one of the best sleep I've ever had. As I woke up in the morning I felt real good and contented in life.

Gee its been an experience with the substance so called 'Green Fairie', and I still have half a bottle of it left and was thinking of consuming it when I feel a lil bit down. Long story short - definitely a good drink and one of the best liqours around and definitely this liqour is that I need if I want real satisfaction with such beverage.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66193
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 1,096
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Absinthe (4) : General (1), Alone (16)

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