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Travel Level Consciousness With Vomit Visuals
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Meditation
Citation:   creature. "Travel Level Consciousness With Vomit Visuals: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Meditation (exp66198)". Mar 6, 2018.

12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
I started by preparing 12' of san pedro that was a skinny 2 1/2 inch diameter but the plant was stressed so I thought it might be strong and I was right. I used extraction #5 however I changed it up by doing one 45 minute extraction and two extra 30 minute extractions using lemon juice each time. Then I boiled down my concoction to a health 2 cups which was prob still to much.

I had taken mescaline 2 weeks prior and it felt like the experience came on more fast this time, especially in open eye visuals.
After about 2 hours I was frying fairly hard and at that time I decided to meditate in the dark and say only what I could describe is crazy psychedelic shit. There were open eye visuals at this point, everything was blurred together, saw lots of balls of light or small orbs run around etc. but when my eyes were closed it was a very intense acid-like psychedelic experience.

I was able to examine my ego and found I should be more loving and charming when in public bars or hitting on females. After that I decided to expand my mind into outer space where I saw many different fields and levels of consciousness outside our own. I realized that parts of us act in all of these different parts of consciousness and we can make our mind travel in the low dense one which is like earth, and the invisible to the naked eye one. At this point my brain was getting quite confused at the two and I could almost see the different levels of consciousness open eye but fell just short of that.

I stopped meditating when I felt my self or consciousness slip into a rather dark and confusing state two times where it almost felt like there was something dark all around me.

So I went to the bathroom and decided to shit, but instead I was surprised with lots of green colored diarrhea. I went back into the room again and at this point when I shut my eyes I decided to stop fighting the drug and let it show me what it wants to. My subconscious must of been quite confused at this point because all I saw was something out of a pink floyd movie the wall.

Everything was colorful, cartoonish, morphed and changed into new patterns and objects. There were different animals, characters everywhere. Things grew eyes, at one point all I could see was everything was growing eyes and looking at me. I saw dense rainbow patterns of shapes from stars, to birds triangles all having a kinda pinkish purple hue to them.

At time point my stomach was still upset, but I was feeling quite good other than that, so I decided to go vomit so I would feel better. After vomiting the first time I saw the most intense open eye visual yet. Three balls of light or orbs came from the left while I was bent over and zoomed out to the front of my face to I guess look at me. I laughed then they disappeared and I begin to vomit some more.

For the next 1 1/2 hours I would take turns either vomiting or diaheraing. At points I thought I might be poisoned but I knew it was because I probably took a whole lot more mescaline than the first time when I did not vomit.

Things got chill after that, I watched TV, and examined and thought about various things in my life. Some times I would get kinda paranoid, but the drug still showed me things that weren’t obvious before about stuff going on in my family and friends.

After 8 hours I was still tripping but sober enough to be around people kinda. I went to the store, came home, stayed up another 4-5 hours tripping, and woke up and still had some crazy close eye hypnotic visions.

I will close out this story by saying I consumed far less cactus this time then the last but the plant was stressed, no water, skinny, rootbound in pot, and abused. When a plant is stressed it has more mescaline. This plant was very skinny, no more than 2 1/2 inches but it was far stronger than the first plant I consumed which was like 6-7 inches at the base. i would not take this drug around people or in public etc.

Also go close eye meditation style on this drug even if u aren’t a picture thinker. Yes the open eye visuals are awesome also, but I truly went places when I just closed my eyes.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66198
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2018Views: 1,026
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Meditation (128), Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Alone (16), General (1)

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