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Well This Isn't a Kaleidoscope at All!
Citation:   Basho. "Well This Isn't a Kaleidoscope at All!: An Experience with LSD (exp66200)". Feb 21, 2018.

I'm somewhat new to the psychedelic drug world. I've done mushrooms a few times, with decent results and salvia divinorum with no results. Having been blasted with the idea that LSD is the ultimate psychedelic, I was prepared for intensity of my first trip, which never came.

The drug simply made me think, for a really long time. I was awake for hours having these seemingly in depth conversations with my friend. At one point at about 6:30 am, we went outside to watch the sunrise and I was awe stricken and humbled by the heavens above. At one point a jet passed by and it was so intense I fell to my knees. I was simply humbled by the drug, and was not getting any visual affects from it. My friend took the same dose, and he's done LSD many times before, and he tripped pretty hard, so I know the acid was good.

When we went inside, this was pretty comical. We ran into my friends father who, of course asked why we were outside at 7am, and we calmly explained to him that we were on acid and couldn't sleep. We had a brief conversation and proceeded back to my friends room.

It was only at this point I noticed any visuals at all, perhaps because of the changes in lighting from outside to inside. I noticed his floor waving like water, it was a blue carpet. Most noticeable was his face began melting and moving in ways similar to the animation in the movie 'Waking Life'. I mentioned it to him, and he laughed, happy that I had any visuals at all.

Next time, he recommended smoking marijuana to increase the liklyhood of a visual experience. I may do it again, but not very soon, it's really not worth it at this point.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66200
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 1,058
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