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What the Hell Just Happened?
Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Just another person. "What the Hell Just Happened?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Cannabis (exp66235)". Dec 8, 2021.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I've smoked salvia three or four times before I tried it this time and each time was a blast. Every time I had a little bit of marijuana in it and a little salvia. Before this time I never really had the pass out and see stuff experience that got me so interested in this plant. The day before this my friend told me to really have that effect I should put a lot more in than I have and smoke it all at once. Let me say I will never do that again.

So the day began and I was exited to finally get to really smoke the salvia. I meet up with my friend (lets call him E) and we head over to my other friends house (lets call him J). We get there and see J and another friend (last friend who we will call K) playing some dragon ball Z so we say hello to them. We see that he got some more marijuana and decide to pack some into the water pipe. J, E, and I smoked it while K was totally against and type of drug what so ever. We just decided to relax for 5-10 minutes after that. I start to get impatient and decide to pull out my salvia and throw it into his water pipe (also with a little marijuana to make sure none falls through.) While doing this I just tell them that I might pass out and just to let me wait it out and ill get up.

A quick note: I was really really stupid in not being prepared for what I got. I would not say I regret what was to come, but at that time I felt true terror in what happened. I also would never tell anyone not to try this.

Anyways so I light the salvia and hit as much as I can and put the water pipe down. At first I notice that the world kinda seemed to split open and so did I. I was beginning to freak out a little bit. I started trying to sit up, but felt as if all I could do was fall down and lay there. Before I passed out I got all my friends to stop making noise because all I wanted was silence. At this point I kinda knew it was going wrong but I couldn't think of that. I fell back onto the bed halfway through making a sound and felt as if I was making it really really slowly. I closed my eyes and started to see frames going by, but they were all stacked up on each other. I start realizing this and forget what the hell I was doing and thinking about how if I waited to see the end of it I would remember what was going on.

For a while I completely forgot I was myself (I guess I could call it an out of body experience.) I was watching everything coming together, but something felt wrong. When I realized it was me I snapped back to the bed into my body.
I was watching everything coming together, but something felt wrong. When I realized it was me I snapped back to the bed into my body.
I remember myself feeling extreme pain at this time. As I look back from this second I don't know if I was in pain or not. I finally decide to let reality build itself back so I could become normal again. All this time I felt as if my mouth was open and I was making one noise this whole time. I finally started to get a grip on reality and noticed I was laying back with my mouth open going 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH' for a while and not responding at all.

I remember I opened my eyes to see K calling another friend who moved away recently and was hung up on and having E and J laugh at him. Then I lost reality again for a second and had closed my eyes and mouth then put my head back and lie down. I opened my eyes and saw my friend K standing in the hall and starting to freak out and saying that he wanted to hang out with people who don't smoke. I put my head back one last time and finally regained the power to stand up and walked into the living room to see K wanting to go and see E trying to calm him down.

I start saying 'Yo what the hell just happened.' J than walks in and says 'holy crap my homeboy pissed himself he tripped so hard.' E starts agreeing and tries to get him. I didn't piss myself, but at this point it really felt like I did and I looked down seeing nothing. I got mad and punched J in the shoulder (strange for me cause normally I do anything to get away from violence). After we calmed down K we ended up going back and playing some more games. I kinda started to fall asleep for a while and after a few minutes got his pipe and smoked some more marijuana to get into a different mood and get the salvia out.

This really screwed me up at the time I was tripping. I really don't know what happened because my friends said I acted completely normal and did not pass out on the bed, but don't know if they were telling the truth and I was tripping my ass off or if I just scared them so bad and they were lying and trying to keep me from knowing what happened. This was only a day ago and I still don't really know what happened at all.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66235
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 8, 2021Views: 612
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Salvia divinorum (44), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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