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Profusive Sweating and Deep-Set Restlessness
Modafinil & Caffeine
Citation:   woundup. "Profusive Sweating and Deep-Set Restlessness: An Experience with Modafinil & Caffeine (exp66273)". Feb 17, 2011.

200 mg oral Modafinil
  1 cup oral Coffee
I take 200mgs of Provigil a day for ADHD and sleepiness. As I'm in college, those personal drawbacks(?) are significant but provigil has been more successful than other drugs I've taken - adderall, focalin, strattera, effexor, concerta. It is a wonderful drug, providing a gentle boost to my brain that enables me to compete and produce in this world where production and a factory-line efficiency are what measures the worth of a person.

In any case, I've found that when Provigil and caffeine are combined the effects of both drugs are exacerbated, often to an unpleasant extent. I have always had a very high tolerance for caffeine, pre-modafinil I drank 7 to 10 cups a day with minimal negative side effects. Now, if I take my 200mgs modafinil in the morning and then drink a single cup of coffee I am totally wired - complete with excessive jitters, racing thoughts, profusive sweating and a deep-set restless and anxious feeling. I would imagine if someone with a caffeine sensitivity combined these two drugs the consequences would be more than a bit unpleasant.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66273
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2011Views: 12,933
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Modafinil (217), Caffeine (11) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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