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It's World War Three
Citation:   lampsie. "It's World War Three: An Experience with Cannabis (exp6632)". Mar 13, 2002.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This happened two days was such an unusual experience, I thought I'd share with you guys :)

I've been smoking cannabis for about three years now, so I'd say I'm pretty experienced with joints, bongs etc. Anyway, I was in college around 11am, and met up with a long time stoner friend (lets call him Harris) in the student union. I mentioned I didn't feel like going to lectures that day, and he suggested we have a waterfall each.

If you don't know what a waterfall is, its usually a plastic soda bottle (in this case 500ml). You punch a hole in the bottom, put a gaze over the top, and put the cannabis in that. Then fill the bottle with water (cover the hole!), and burn in the cannabis as you let out the water. Then suck in that white smoke baby. Result: Some seriously good pure hash. Anyways, we had one each (I hadn't had a waterfall before), and decided to head outside on the campus lawn (gorgeous weather). After about 5 minutes, I could tell this was gonna be a strange buzz. Sounds were getting a little distorted, and everything seemed to be moving and sliding around slightly. About 10 minutes after taking the waterfall, my mind just clicked, and suddenly I was really, really trippy! I really can't describe it, but basically my mind was absolutley racing, new thoughts coming into my head every few seconds, and every ten seconds or so I just had to tap myself on the shoulder metaphorically, to remind myself where I was and who I was.

I looked up in the sky and saw four airplanes, two heading one way and two the other. I suddenly panicked, and said to my friend 'This is it man, it's World War Three' - The airplanes looked exactly like missiles - nukes on their way to their respective targets. It was really creepy, because it honestly felt like this was it, nuclear war.

Luckily, after a few minutes this feeling went, and I just went with the buzz, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe it was the pot, maybe it was the waterfall, but it was simply the most intense buzz I'd every gotten off cannabis.

So, what did I learn? Well, its hard at first, but I think you just have to let go...don't try to control or stop the intensity, because it only turns it into a bad buzz. Try to remain relaxed, and just melt into it. My mistake was to try and keep a grip on who and where I was - My tip, don't.

Thanks for reading,

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 13, 2002Views: 14,239
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Cannabis (1) : School (35), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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