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Trippin' and Lovin'
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   jotatmo. "Trippin' and Lovin': An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp66333)". Dec 12, 2021.

1 hit oral LSD (liquid)
  Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Let me explain the events that took place yesterday, Tuesday October 9th, 2007. It all began a couple weeks ago when I got tickets to the Widespread Panic show coming to Missoula. At this point, I knew that many of my friends were going to be eating LSD for the show, but I was determined that I would not. I am a daily cannabis user and I have done numerous psychedelics before including salvia, mushrooms, morning glory seeds and many others. I had done a lot of research about the positive and negative effects of acid and decided I would try it someday. Another factor that lead me to try it was that my good friend from high school told me he was going to try it for his first time soon. We are good buddies, and it sounded like a good idea that we both experience it at about the same time.

Having accidentally stumbled upon a great hookup for acid, I was pumped up to give it a try. I bought two hits of blotter, one for me and one for my friend. At this time there was going to be a Slightly Stoopid concert in town. The plan had been to eat the blotter for the concert. This fell through, however, when two friends who are experienced users ate two hits of the same paper and had no affects whatsoever. This made my friend and I decide that we didn't want to eat it for the concert and be disappointed if it was bunk. We decided to eat it on a lazy Friday afternoon, assuming that we wouldn't be effected.

We started sucking on the paper at about 1 PM. It was unusually thick, however, and didn't dissolve fully even after 45 minutes in our mouths. We waited and waited, anticipation building wildly. After about an hour and a half we decided it was in fact bad acid and we decided to wander down to the riverbank and smoke a joint. Now it's not that I wasn't feeling it at all, it's just that it was a very slight dreamy feeling, a 'tease' if you will. After we smoked the joint, though, things began to change. I was far too high for it to be attributed to just weed. There was a marching band tuning up in the field, producing loud, scattered notes. I felt each sound, and could not stop laughing no matter how hard I tried. When we were back on campus, it was obvious that the acid was affecting us slightly. We played ping pong for a while, threw a frisbee, and ate dinner in a busy cafeteria. Everything we did was skewed by some strange energy. Things appeared slightly different, whether it was the lighting, a bizarre private thought, or a strange sensation when a material brushed across my skin. This was my first introduction to LSD. However, I knew that this was not a real 'trip', and in my opinion I had not experienced the drug yet.

When the guy who sold us this bunk acid got back from the concert he was at that weekend, everyone he sold it to reported back to him that it was no good. Being a good person, he refunded me and my friend with new stuff, this time in the form of a drop on a sugar cube. My other friends that didn't feel it last time were also refunded and tried the new batch and said that they were totally gone. It was good acid. Knowing this, I was very carefully planning when I was going to eat it. The obvious option was the upcoming Widespread Panic concert I had just gotten tickets to, which is what most of my friends were doing. However, I was dissuaded from this at first because I had classes until 6 and I didn't want to stay up all night tripping on a Tuesday. I was determined that I wouldn't eat the acid for the concert. That lasted until the day of the concert came.

This epic Tuesday started off like any other day. I went to class where I had to give a speech, which felt great to get out of the way. The rest of my day was packed with classes as well. At about 3 PM, one of my friends who was going to eat acid at the concert asked me if I would be able to find some for him and a couple other guys. Knowing such a good hookup, I quickly made the trip to his house to get the goods. When I was there we talked about how I had decided not to eat it for the concert that night. Somewhere in the next half hour, however, I changed my mind. I don't know exactly why. It was a combination of realizing I didn't have much to do the next day, that I was in a good mood, that all my other friends would be tripping, and that Widespread Panic is basically made for tripping. I rode back to campus and delivered the acid. I then had to go to my last class of the day. I sat through the lecture in anticipation of the upcoming concert and how my trip would be.

After class, I hurried back to my dorm to pick up my hit of acid and some weed to roll into a joint. I went over to another friend's room to use his grinder, roller, and papers. The people in the room were all chilling and watching a movie while looking forward for the concert. As we were grinding up the chronic one of them walked back into the room from the hall and commented 'damn, it reeks of chronic in here'. 'Hell yeah' we all thought, not knowing that that scent was about to change us forever.

We had finished rolling our joints and were walking out of the door to go eat dinner and drop the acid. When we opened the door, we heard 'Nope, Nope, get back in there.' Who the fuck is this guy? Some authority figure (assumedly an RA) was forcing us to stay in the room. 'Why?' we asked. 'You'll find out soon enough, just get back in' was the reply. Only then did we know we were fucked. We closed the door and started the mad dash to ditch our drugs. In that room, there was about 7 hits of acid, a couple eights of weed, and a baby weed plant. We did not want to get searched. After stashing all the stuff in places we hoped would make it hard to find, one of the kids who's room we were in was called out into the hall by the guy guarding the door. We all looked at one another, clueless to what was going on.

Next, the other kid who lived in that room was called out. The next few minutes were some of the longest of my life. I was super pumped up on adrenaline. The next thing we knew, the kid was coming back into the room. 'What the fuck is going on?' we asked. It turns out that the RA had smelled the chronic we were grinding from outside the room, which gives them authority to call the cops. The cops basically told the kid 'We know you have weed in there, so either you give it to me or we search the whole room.' The kid was coming into the room to get his small amount of bud to turn himself in and save the rest of us. A true fucking hero. He got a ticket for possession of marijuana, but it was the lightest charge possible. Also, Missoula is very liberal and has slack marijuana laws. But still, this kid saved our asses.

As you can imagine, this put quite a damper on the mood. At this point, I was uncertain as to whether I was in a good mindset to eat the acid. I went back to my room to ditch my bud, debating what I was about to do. When I returned to my friend's room, most of them had already eaten the sugar cubes. The friend who I tried the bad acid with and I both said 'fuck it' and ate the cubes. They were quite tasty, and from this point on I was excited to trip. We went to get dinner before the concert, and the other guys were already feeling their first waves. I was totally sober having just eaten it, but I could feel that something was about to happen. By the time we finished dinner and were walking to the concert, I was feeling a strange tingly buzz. The other guys were saying that they were feeling it quite strong already.

We got into the building that the concert was going to be in and were faced with a new challenge. Most of the crew had floor level tickets, which is where all the fun was going to be. Two other friends and I had balcony tickets, which meant we would just sit in chairs and watch the concert from above, which was not cool. We got an idea, though. When you showed the staff your ticket for the floor, you were given a wristband. We called our friends on the floor and told them to sneak out and give us their tickets. This way, they all still had wristbands and we could get onto the floor. It worked like a charm. I was starting to feel a little weird by the time we got to the concert floor, and had a great time talking to people there, listening to the opening DJ, and paying attention to my mindset.

The setup for the concert was phenomenal. There were all sorts of lights, colors, patterns, and trippy objects all around. As the music progressed, so did my trip. I would notice something out of the corner of my eye, and it wouldn't register or it would just be confusing. My visual field had definitely changed by this point. Neon colors from glow sticks and the patterns that the projectors were putting on the walls and ceiling were taking on a new light. They were more vivid, and the trails from moving glow-sticks would remain in the air for longer than they should have. I was smoking weed that was passed to me this whole time, which bumped up my high a lot. My mind was surprisingly clear, but certain things I noticed would seem really bizarre. For example, there were swirling patterns in the back of the stage, and whenever I looked at them I would see 'ghosts' or 'souls'. This started to freak me out, and I distracted myself with happier thoughts to avoid a bad trip. Another crazy sight was caused by white lights shining into the audience. For some reason, when the light was shined on me I would see the band as a negative image. They had electric blue skin and everything else was black and white. Another weird sight was when the lead singer and guitarist began to appear to be changed. Its very hard to explain, but he appeared somewhere between being 2D, 4D, or just not actually there. It was super weird.

The concert was broken into two sets, and in between sets the opening DJ came out to play again. By the end of the first set, I was feeling disappointingly sober. This was easily remedied, however, when one of my friends (who also felt sober) and I decided to see what walking around would feel like. Then we realized we were definitely still going. The break between sets was hilarious. There was shit going on everywhere which created more stimuli to be misinterpreted in my mind. When the second set came on, I was in a great mood. I usually find it hard to truly enjoy myself in most situations I am in. At the concert, though, I was enjoying myself to no end. I was feeling love for everyone and everything around me and for myself.

Sometime around then a few giant inflatable balls were being bounced around the crowd. They were huge, but they would slowly float down and then be punched back up into the air. One of them had a glow-stick in it, making it even trippier. I was captivated by the combination of the music and the floating balls, and my mind was racing. Right around this point I had a crazy epiphany: I realized that individual cells work together to form a collective consciousness or identity, and individual humans work together to form a conscious society.
I realized that individual cells work together to form a collective consciousness or identity, and individual humans work together to form a conscious society.
It is hard to explain, but I realized that humanity as a whole has its own personality, values, and consciousness. I realized this by watching everybody bounce the ball around and keep it in the air. I had numerous other bizarre thoughts, sights and feelings for the rest of the concert.

When we were leaving the concert, it was obvious that half the crowd was as tripped out as I was. There was enough cheering, laughing, and dilated pupils to last a long time. When we were outside, a friend of mine who I hadn't talked to for a while called. I was trying to talk to him, but I couldn't really comprehend what he was saying even though I could hear him, so I said goodbye in confusion. The group of friends I was tripping with had decided while I was on the phone that we would finish the night by hiking a mountain and smoking a whole eighth. At this point, I was still pretty high but I was coming down and this sounded like a good idea. We then all split up to grab our coats and bud from our dorm rooms. We met back up and proceeded to walk to the mountain. On the way there, we saw quite a few people we knew who we stopped and talked with.

Eventually however, we made it up the mountain. We were all set to smoke the eighth: we had a double percolating bong, some blunt wraps, and countless pipes. We smoked and smoked, reflecting on the night so far. Looking out at the city from my elevated vantage point was phenomenally trippy. The lights of the city were shimmering so intensely that I had trouble even looking at them. As we were smoking, we saw what looked like a helicopter in the distance. 'Shit, they're coming to arrest us on the mountain' we joked. The object was strangely shaped and had lights all over it and kept coming toward us. 'Wait, really. What the fuck is tt?' we asked. As we were watching this object come toward us, it started to dive down toward the city. We had no idea what we were seeing. It was dive-bombing right down into the middle of Missoula, getting closer and closer to the ground at an alarming speed.

We thought we were either seeing a UFO or a plane flying straight into the ground. It continued lower and lower until its lights were indistinguishable from the city lights. There was no explosion or sound whatsoever. It just completely disappeared. I still have no explanation as to what we saw. We dedicated all the weed we smoked to the kid who saved our ass from the cops earlier in the day and we had multiple moments of silence to reflect on what could have been if he had not been such a courageous friend. By this point I was just plain too high, and I had a killer headache and I was incredibly tired. Smoking so much weed seemed to have kicked the LSD back in a little bit, so I was tripping out. I curled up in a ball and massaged my head as we continued to smoke bud and chat for a significant amount of time.

When the time was right, we started on down the mountain. The terrain was ridiculously steep, and we could hardly believe we climbed up it. Just then we heard some strange noise. It sounded like a group of stringed instruments or wind-chimes or something like that, but we were on a mountain. After a few minutes of being really weirded out, we realized that there were three flag poles with strings flapping in the wind. Each pole had a different pitch, and all three together created a giant bass guitar. We listened to this natural music for a while, and then continued down to campus.

As we got back near the dorms, I was completely wiped out. I was being drawn toward my bed in a dreamy state. We said our goodbyes and ended the night. I went to my room and fell asleep right away. This was one of the most insane days I have ever lived. It was a roller coaster of emotions, thoughts and senses. I look back and realize that I will never forget this day for the rest of my life. This experience has given me an optimistic attitude, and I look forward to see what other surprises my future holds.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66333
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 12, 2021Views: 518
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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