Great Study Helper!
Citation:   Mcbain. "Great Study Helper!: An Experience with Caffeine (exp6650)". Mar 22, 2002.

100 mg insufflated Caffeine (powder / crystals)
I bought some No-Doz from a local pharmarcy and decided to try snorting them (I got the idea from a movie). Since then I have done it a bunch of times but I have learned a beneficial use for them other than getting a buzz, studying. I had a ton of reading to do one Thursday night in January 2001 and was dead tired from the week so decided to try snorting a No-Doz to stay awake. To my amazement not only did it help me stay awake but I became very focused. It worked great! I read about 100 pages from a 8'x11' text book in only a few hours. I retained the information as well. I have eaten caffeine pills since and the feeling is nothing like snorting them,I do not know why, but I highly suggest trying like 1/2 a pill (if you have a low tolerance for caffeine like me) or 1 pill. The only negative side effects is after a few day binge on them you are exhausted, but for studying for finals they are great!

I have snorted them a bunch of times and they go great with alcohol as well, they make me outgoing, confident, energetic and counter-act the sleepy feeling alcohol sometimes causes. I do not recommend snorting more than 200mg (1 pill) as I felt sick to my stomach and the positive effect of high concentration was no more as I was so hyper. They also burn a bit, but nothing too bad, another negative side effect is, since caffeine dehydrates one's body, your nasal lining might feel dry if you do it a few days in a row, but this can be counter-acted by simply using a nasal spray after snorting them or the next day. Hope this is helpful to all you other college students out there!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6650
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2002Views: 34,379
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Caffeine (11) : Various (28), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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