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Smart Drugs Retrospective
Hydergine, Lucidril & Piracetam
Citation:   Extropy. "Smart Drugs Retrospective: An Experience with Hydergine, Lucidril & Piracetam (exp6653)". Mar 19, 2002.

I have been taking a regimen of:

1600 mg/day Piracetam
4.5 mg/day Hydergine
250 mg/day Lucidril

for approx 3 months time now.

For lack of better control mechanisms, I have been using several software packages, including a database of several old GMAT CAT examinations(THE GMAT Verbal section is gerenally regarded as a measure of intellectual ability), and a memory recall speed and efficiency package.

Here is a breakdown of the percentage change in scores I have experienced
Day 0 - 0% Baseline established

Day 7 - 3% decrease from baseline in GMAT verbal, 2% increase in memory recall speed, 5% increase in memory efficiency

Day 30 - 5% increase from baseline in GMAT verbal, 4% increase in memory recall speed, 10% increase in memory efficiency/accuracy

Day 60 - 13% increase from baseline in GMAT verbal, 1% decrease in memory recall speed, 8% increase in memory recall efficiency

Day 90 - 13% increase from baseline in GMAT verbal, 19% increase in memory recall speed, 14% increase in memory recall efficiency.

Granted this is not a very good indication of what effects the drugs actually have, as I am just one person, and I have emotional, occupational, and other factors effecting my life, and hence, my test performance, but I thought that the data I collected may assist others considering a regimen of smart drugs. I will update things in a few more months.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6653
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 19, 2002Views: 11,850
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