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Not the Help I Expected
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Not the Help I Expected: An Experience with Heroin (exp66544)". Erowid.org. Apr 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/66544

  IV Heroin (liquid)
During my 28 years, I've avoid most drugs out of fear of addiction and the social/legal repercussions if I were caught. I've smoked weed no more than 5 times in my life and hadn't touched anything else until yesterday. I was at a friend's house, feeling very down about personal issues I was having and she convinced me to try shooting up with her, just once, so I could be happy, even if just for one night.

I knew she limited herself to using only about once a week to avoid becoming dependent on it, so I let my curiosity get the best of me and agreed, but 'just this once'. She put on some soothing music to try and relax me and then broke out the tools. She explained the whole process to me, the mixing of the powder and the water, how she as using a very small amount since it was my first time, heating it up in the spoon, the cotton... Hearing about it made it seem a bit more real and made me more nervous.

The moment of truth came and she sat me on the couch and tied my arm to find a vein. After injecting the needle, she asked one last time if I was sure I wanted to and finally if I was ready. I just nodded and looked away as she started to push in the plunger. A few seconds later, I felt the most incredible sensation and my entire body flushed. I didn't care about her or the music or the needle she had removed from my arm. All the worry about my problems left. I didn't get the sudden 'take on the world' sensation others talked about on here, I just literally stopped caring about my problems. The initial, intense rush seemed to leave just as quickly as it began, but I spent a good couple of hours glowing in the most wonderful sense of contentment.

Very little was going on around me, my friend having shot up as well and half-sitting, half-leaning on me on the couch, so I mostly spent the time glowing. At some point, I realized the CD had stopped and I looked toward the CD player. This set off a wave of nausea that eventually made me vomit a few times before it passed.

Knowing that we both experienced something amazing like that right next to each other, even though I could have cared less about her at the time, made me feel like we shared something very special and had some strange, new connection. The high didn't particularly help me deal with my problem, it was just a way to not think about it for awhile. I'm not sure I'll ever do it again, but it gives me a whole new appreciation of how easily it is to become addicted to something like heroin. It was hard not to want to chase after the high again after coming down.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 2,449
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Heroin (27) : General (1), First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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