Bubbles Came Out Of His Mouth
Nitrous Oxide
by fjd
Citation:   fjd. "Bubbles Came Out Of His Mouth: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp66603)". Erowid.org. Sep 22, 2017. erowid.org/exp/66603

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
  1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  2 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
It was this past summer, a friend (D) and I were on our way to bonnaroo 2007. We stopped for the night at our friend's (J) place in nashville b4 heading to bonnaroo early the next morning. I planned on toking up the entire night, which was a regular summer activity of course.

Anyway, by about 9 pm we were drinking and high out of our minds, when J called up his bud (F) to come over. when he arrived, he had brought a box full of nitrous cannisters along with some sort of mini 'fire extinguisher looking' thing to inhale them out of.
My thoughts at this point were that I was going to stick to weed for the night. F inhaled a canister, and then J after him, who were both normal recreational users of the gas. It looked pretty fun, and then my friend D decided to take in a canister. After exhaling, he turned to me, and just smiled for about 20 seconds. now i was curious. just then, he said, 'look, you know I would never ask you to do anything that wouldn't be worth it, and I'm telling you, you have to try this.' I agreed with his statement.

I locked the canister in place, put the opening to my mouth, and slowly squeezed the trigger. the full canister was completely emptied into my lungs, forcing all the gas to the bottom of my lungs, allowing me to get the full effect. The gas was very cool and kind of a weird feeling at first if you've never done something like that. It's different than the way you do it at the dentist for sure.

I held the gas in for a few seconds, then slowly exhaled, able to see the visible gas as it came out. The effects immediately took effect. my brain felt as though it was swelling up very fast, and I felt more lightheaded than I ever had before. A warm fuzzy feeling traveled throughout my body, and as I looked at my friend, he began to speak to me. He said 'pretty cool huh?', which I understood just fine, except that his voice sounded as if he were talking to me while underwater, with bubbles exiting his mouth as he talked. pretty sweet. I did 2 more canisters, and had the same experience. The effects of each cannister are extremely short, only about 20-30 seconds from my experience.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66603
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 22, 2017Views: 1,419
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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