Mental Meltdown
Morning Glory
Citation:   TheFrog. "Mental Meltdown: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp66617)". Oct 18, 2018.

600 seeds oral Morning Glory (liquid)
I really wanted to true some drug other than weed but without going to a dealer and buying junk at rip-off prices, so I decided to do some internet research and came across this recipe online:

Place the desired number of Ipomoea violacea seeds in a coffee grinder. Grind until pulverized. Place the ground seeds in a covered jar and add 1-2 cups water. Place the jar in a refrigerator, preferably for a couple of days. (The fluid will gain some psychoactive properties within a few hours, but longer soaking should produce a stronger effect up to a few days of soaking). Shake occasionally, and add water if the seed pulp absorbs all that have been used. When ready to ingest the concoction, strain off the pulp in a fine-meshed metal strainer (available at any good drug store) or cheesecloth, and discard the pulp. One may wish to strain the fluid twice. Drink the fluid. Some people like the taste and describe it as 'nutty', others find the taste off-putting. So it's wise to have another strong-tasting beverage available to disguise the taste of the concoction in case one doesn't care for it (e.g., juice, kava, soda, etc.).

I followed this recipe to the letter using 600 seeds. The concoction was ready on Tuesday morning. I had a friend come over and just watch as this was the first time I had done any drugs except for weed. Here is a timeline describing the events in chronological order as I recall them:

Standing on the patio, start drinking the fluid, it is approx 400ml. The taste is indeed earthy as the recipe describes, but I find it foul. It is almost vomit inducing. It takes the next 10 minutes to get it all down. I do not vomit, but feel strongly inclined to do so.

Thirty minutes after ingestion and I still feel like vomiting, but manage not to. I feel no effects whatsoever.

I start to spit, just ordinary spit. For some reason this lessens the feeling of nausea. Still no effect. I am now sitting on a chair on the patio.

My friend and I and go inside and start watching Star Wars IV. I really love Star Wars, but it looks so lame today, very artificial. My gut is feeling a little better. No effects from the drug.

My friend leaves, we suspect that the seeds aren’t going to work. I carry on watching the movie while lying on the carpet covered by a blanket. My stomach feels better.

I start playing with myself (penis) for no particular reason. I close my eyes. Suddenly there is a loud rushing in my ears and I can see blue circles in front of my eyes. I open my eyes and it goes away. I get up and go to the bathroom. I feel like I am drunk, in the mirror I can see my pupils have dilated. I really want to lie down.

I walk to my brother’s bed and lie down. When I close my eyes I can see cartoon characters. They are not from any cartoon that I know, just coloured-in figures moving around in my mind. This continues for a long time, I cant make them go away, they are talking to each other in English, but I don’t know what about.

Finally I can get up. I am very thirsty, I go to the kitchen for some water. The doorways seem to be getting narrower towards the bottom. I can hardly get through. I go to my own bed and lie down. I feel gas in my stomach. I close my eyes and see a crude drawing of an intestine, my intestine. It has some farts in, as I fart I can see the farts leaving the intestine. After a while this goes away. I start to think about the meaning of life, and see that nothing means anything but that everything is connected. In my mind I saw two mirrors facing each other, the images inside reflecting away into infinity. I found this very disturbing. I felt like I couldn’t escape, my sanity was slipping away. I could open my eyes but the image was still in my mind. This went on for what felt like a very long time. I thought that if I could find a way to stop this I would blow my brains out with my rifle. Eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up feeling very hungry and I had a big headache. I drank 800mg Brufen, had a sandwich and went back to sleep.


The following day I occasionally saw flashes of light when I closed my eyes and I could hear waves sometimes.

Verdict: I found it very unpleasant and will probably not repeat it. I knew that 600 seeds was a lot to take for a first time, but I went for it anyway. I had read all the reports of nausea so thought that if I was going to be sick, I might as well have a decent trip. I consider myself pretty normal mental-wise, although I do wonder about the meaning of life sometimes, and that almost made me go crazy.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66617
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2018Views: 1,011
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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