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Inner Peace and Curiousness
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   toe jam. "Inner Peace and Curiousness: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp6675)". Mar 19, 2002.

5 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
After hearing all these reports on Salvia, and finding out it is leagal I became interested very fast. Then on Monday over the weekend my freind told me he did Salvia. A little jealous but Oh well. My freind said he could get me a bag, So I threw down 25 and he threw down 10. He gave me a nice quarter three days later. At the time I thought I was getting ripped off, because they looked and tasted like tea leaves, When I got home we smoked some with them, and I felt the effects a little bit. Then I went home the next day, and smoked some more, and let me tell you this is a drug you should do by yourself. I have heard of people going a little overboard on Salvia, so if you need a sitter than dont listen to me. When I was done smoking I felt sort of a heaviness in my limbs. With a head buzz (a really cool one too)

That's when the fun happened. I would compare this to weed, but there is just something magical with Salvia. Everything is just so much more intersting (possible anhedonia with this drug)The big bang buzz lasts about 30 minutes for me, but the after effects are the most peaceful,happy, calm, clear-headed, buzz you will ever have. There was so much deja vu from my happy child hood memories, and all my problems just vanished. I really reccomend this drug for non- recreational use. You will find peace with everything on this sage.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6675
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 19, 2002Views: 5,382
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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