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Hofmann's Gold
Citation:   Steve Morris. "Hofmann's Gold: An Experience with LSD (exp66753)". Nov 2, 2015.

1 hit   LSD (blotter / tab)

Sit around,
Talk awhile.
Take the trip,
Try to smile.

Wait for it,
Here it comes.
Bodies rush,
Limbs go numb.

Loss of breath,
Walk away.
Don’t fight this drug,
It’s here to stay.

Move away,
Into a room.
That’s far beyond,
The reach of doom.

Lose the plot,
Misplace your mind.
Endless thoughts of human kind.

Friends are warped,
Try not to stare.
Don’t breed the thought,
Don’t feed a scare.

Friends announce,
Lets take a walk.
Our madness holds,
Forget the thought.
But off we go,
Across the street.
We tipi-toe,
On weightless feet.

We come across a broken castle.
The smell of death’s,
Another hassle.

We run away,
Back to the lair.
The leaning box of drugged despair.

I want to spend,
another night.
On melting roads,
And warped delight.

So off I go,
And so do they.
My friends have gone,
To my dismay.

But never fear,
The time shall come.
Another cheer,
A stamp of fun.

Because out the back,
A room does wait.
For another Mir,
A cheap escape.

Welcome to the corner of my world,
It’s always fun, we’re never bored.
The flights are high,
Our answers won.
Our tears are fired,
From laughter’s gun.

Our minds outstretched,
Our souls asleep.
Our newborn lives,
Our gods on heat.

Our guides are lost,
Our futures told.
Our egos squashed,
On Hoffman’s gold.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 66753
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 2, 2015Views: 2,038
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LSD (2) : Poetry (43), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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