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Profoundly Regrettable Yet Rewarding
Citation:   idiothead. "Profoundly Regrettable Yet Rewarding: An Experience with LSD (exp66812)". Erowid.org. Nov 17, 2018. erowid.org/exp/66812

1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Went up to the country with my friend 'andy' who I met this year, to his house with two of his friends, and one of my friends. None of us knew each other too well, but we all wanted to take LSD, were very naive, and had an intense time to say the least. We had four doses of LSD, in sugar cube form, two of them were three hitters (about 210 mics) and the other two were two hitter (about 140 mics). I was unaware that the doses were like this until just before we took the stuff, which meant that I pretty much was forced to have 3 hits, when I was only expecting to have 2, which made me more nervous and worried than I already was, not a good way to be when I'm taking lsd.

Andy had the other three hitter, and the girls took the 2 hitters. We had another guy there, who was our tripsitter (and thank god for that). The effects started for me and andy a bit quicker than for the girls, I'm guessing because of the higher dose. About 20 minutes in, I remember getting the giggles, and was nibbling at an experience which was about to become full-blown and extremely intense.

The first hour or so was absolutely amazing. I cannot put into words how mind bending this stuff was. My friends became cartoons, up became down, I ceased to exist, I started rambling like a madman and couldnt stop, I was continually posing questions of what must have been nonsense logic, and answering them immediately after. Basically my mind was not only doing backflips, but was doing them at light speed.

Initially the trip was very visual- I was focussing on patterns (the rug was of great interest to me) and everything became totally stimulating. Just looking at a table or even more TOUCHING it! Such things became absolutely overwhelmingly brilliant. Of course, as any acid tripper will know, there' not much point trying to describe the feeling to someone who hasnt been there, because it gets misinterpreted. People imagine that LSD is just visual distortions, but fail to realise that it is a total shift in the way one perceives AND comprehends. I did at one point believe that I had died without dying, and that I was feeling oblivion.

Anyway, as the trip got very very intense, it started to overwhelm me. I dont know the exact order of events, but at some stage, I felt like I was trapped, and had to get out and that nobody was listening to me, and that I had to be heard. I started yelling at the top of my lungs, and threw a wine bottle at my friends tv, smashing it. Basically it was all downhill from there. If that was bad as I got, I would not give a damn, but I got a hell of a lot worse. I had what I think is called 'LSD mania' which as the name suggests is where a person feels godlike, and can act on compulsion and do shit that no-one in their right minds would do. Basically I was on the verge of what became close to 'worst case scenario' I started getting aggressive, and the fact that my mind had gone through so many bizarre rationalisations, like 'people dont exist' and 'the world is best summed up as a set of pixels...' all sorts of craziness, didnt help me in making rational decisions. At this stage my memory weakens, but I remember distinctly feeling as if I was no longer steering myself. It was as if I had taken the back seat to my impulses, and had absolutely no control whatsoever.
At this stage my memory weakens, but I remember distinctly feeling as if I was no longer steering myself. It was as if I had taken the back seat to my impulses, and had absolutely no control whatsoever.
And this is where it gets ugly - my friend Jess became the object of my impulsive behaviour, and apparently I had to be pulled off her by force because I was groping her madly, and basically trying to have my way with her a number of times. She was needless to say traumatised, and after I calmed down, I couldnt understand the accusations that were being made against me. I had no idea what I'd done, and I couldnt handle the situation at all.

I remember the next period very well, it was the most distressing thing in my entire life - I felt like time was repeating itself, going in a cycle of what must have been a few minutes, but felt like eternity. I really feared I was never going to see another day, and that I was trapped in this minute forever. I kept checking my watch, and time had dilated in my mind so much, that when I looked, expecting to see an hour having passed, it turned out to be about 1 minute. It was extremely distressing. And even though every time I saw my watch the time had moved a bit, I was still totally convinced that time was circulating, and I was trapped in a circle of time. Anyway, I spent the next 10 hours or so totally distressed and unable to sleep, extremely paranoid, and feeling like I'd never be able to be the person I was before. The next day I had my actions explained to me, and I was in such a state of shock (still reeling from the trip also) that I could barely bring myself to eat, and spent most of the day lying on the couch bewildered at myself.

Basically my trip is a testament to just how much care I should have taken when planning to do acid.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66812
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2018Views: 938
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LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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