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Binge Left Me Mentally and Physically Drained
Citation:   K-Tard. "Binge Left Me Mentally and Physically Drained: An Experience with Ketamine (exp67036)". Dec 27, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Ketamine Binge

Ketamine is and probably always will be my favorite drug. It produces a feeling of complete disconnection. I've been using k for about six months or so. It used to bother me when I got drips and the burn when it first goes up your nose. I don't feel the burn anymore, I still hate the drips but I've learned to ignore them a bit more.

I ended up doing about three vials in one night, that's a lot. I have friends who can have a vial last them close to a month. I got them from my regular dealer, the night I saw him he was in a good mood and gave me a half vial for free. I didn't get it in a baggie or nothing, he just poured it straight onto my hand. I snorted it straight into my nostril and felt the effects soon after. I then gave him some cash, around eighty bucks canadian. At twenty a vial it's a fucking steal. I stuck them in my pocket and sat around and smoked some pot.

My dealer gave me another half vial later on, and I did it at once. Once again it hit me pretty quickly and I started to k-hole. I'm no lightweight, in fact over the past few months I've built up quite a tolerance
over the past few months I've built up quite a tolerance
, this stuff was really hitting me though. I eventually made it home and felt almost sober. I choked down some leftovers and grabbed a few glasses of water and two cans of OJ. Just to wash the drips down. I pulled out my vial, I tend to keep all my k in a big glass one, and dumped out a small pile. I opened my drawer and pulled out a blade, a card and an empty pen tube.

I found cutting my k to be almost relaxing. I cut it on my desk, I didn't use a mirror. I spent close to 15 minutes cutting the stuff up really fine. It was fluffy, the consistency of powdered sugar. I grabbed the card and laid out four lines. This would do me for an hour or so, I wiped the ends of the pen off and stuck it up my right nostril. Then I pulled two lines in quickly leaned back and inhaled. It burned like crazy. I went and laid down, put some music on, Iggy Pop's Nightclubbing. It's a slow song steady beat and very downbeat. It sent me spiraling into a k-hole faster than usual, in not too long I was seeing colors fly across the ceiling, my thoughts drifted and everything made perfect sense. This continued for an hour or so until I stumbled across to my desk and grabbed my snooter. I put it into my left nostril this time and pulled the other two lines in. They went straight to the back of my nose. Though this delays the high, it hits me like a ton of bricks later on. As I swished my mouth out and wiped my nose clean I was waiting. It becomes a time where I'm still high, but not too high too function, and I know that soon I will be. I cracked one of the OJ cans and gulped a bit down switched the songs playing and lay back down. I passed out for a while and woke up hallucinating. It was amazing.

By this point I'd blown through 1 of 4 vials. I brought my kit to my side table, I didn't plan to leave the bed for quite a while. I chopped out more lines, about a quarter vial each. I did three lines up each nostril and felt like I as going to die. I had no feeling left in body, and I could barely move. I made myself drink water, I ended up swallowing the drips though, it gives me stomach ulcers, so it's not something I'd recommend. I don't actually remember the next four hours, I was hallucinating and moaning. I almost puked. I loved every second of it. I passed out and woke up up at 6 in the morning. It was still dark out and cut more lines. I only gave them a cursory crush and clumsily put them into lines. I railed them all into my right nostril. Thinking back I did about a vial in those few seconds. I could barely feel the burn anymore. I hallucinated more and about three hours later my mind cleared. I was dead tired and felt strung out
about three hours later my mind cleared. I was dead tired and felt strung out
. I made my way down the stairs and choked down some food. I glanced in the mirror and decided to clean myself up. My nose was rimmed in white, and I dug a thick coating of crystals from inside my nose. I staggered upstairs and tried to sleep to no avail. I did another line. It wasn't much, but it got me to a level I could sleep. I awoke at around 4 in the afternoon. I checked the contents of my large vial and I had around a vial left I tucked it away in a drawer and showered.

Looking back, it was an amazing experience, yet probably the dumbest one I've made in a while. I told no one what I was doing and I did a massive amount. It's also raised my tolerance immeasurably, it takes close to half a vial to get me high now. I don't regret it and I'll probably do it all over. But I would never recommend this to anyone. It left me mentally and physically drained for several days, I also have recurring nosebleeds on many mornings, I'm also fairly sure have a hole in my right nostril.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67036
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 27, 2018Views: 792
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Ketamine (31) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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