Saved My Life And My Depression
Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone) & Beer
by Paul
Citation:   Paul. "Saved My Life And My Depression: An Experience with Buprenorphine / Naloxone (Suboxone) & Beer (exp67054)". Jun 5, 2019.

12 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine
  3 mg sublingual Naloxone
      Alcohol - Beer/Wine
I have been using drugs since age 12. It started with beer and then marijuana and moved on to coke and a number of other drugs but finally opiates. I became very addicted to opiates pretty quickly.

At first it was hydrocodones and then moved up to Oxycontin's. I became addicted to oxycontin 80's and every day I had to have a tleast one 80 just to get by and feel well. Where I live one 80 cost between 50 and 65 bucks and that got way too expensive for me to pay every single day so I became distraught.

I began taking suboxone after my 4th stay in an inpatient rehab and they gave it to me there for opiate withdrawal and I talked to some people at the rehab about it. I found out that I loved it because it made me feel like I did before I every used drugs.
I loved it because it made me feel like I did before I every used drugs.
I did not feel the need to get high or the irresistable draw to find drugs and use them anymore. I take 12mg of suboxone daily, 8 in the morning and 8 in the evening and I also still drink alcohol despite the fact that my doctor and the people at the rehab strongly disagree with that decision. I only drink on the weekends although I drink a lot, about 12 beers on Friday and 12 beers on Saturday which is considered a lot to almost everyone. But the fact is that I don't crave drugs when I drink a lot anymore like I used to. Before I started suboxone I would fiend for drugs after chuggin about 6 beers and I couldn't really control the urge too well.

I have now been on Suboxone for about 6 months and haven't relapsed into drugs a single time. I honestly feel really well and don't feel depressed anymore. It also helps with anxiety which I have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and took xanax and klonopins for a while. I no longer seem to have at all as much anxiety or depression as I once had and I honestly feel happy.

Suboxone has been a wonderful and life saving experience for me and I am forever grateful to it. Suboxone for me (with insurance) is about $3.15 an 8mg pill but when it comes to an 80mg oxy for $50-$65 per day I am getting a way better deal. Also, it feels better to not live that 'drug lifestyle' then keep on going with it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67054
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2019Views: 1,525
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Combinations (3), Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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