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Zoloft & Various
Citation:   SerdaL. "Combinations: An Experience with Zoloft & Various (exp67091)". May 23, 2008.

12.5 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
    repeated   Various  
I have been prescribed to 12.5mg of zoloft daily to treat anxiety. After a month of the medication I stopped taking it because the 'kicking in' part made me depressed and I overall hated zoloft.

Looking at some reports, I found that interactions with Zoloft could be bad. I was scared at first because I did not want to stop my smoking habits. While taking 12.5mg of Zoloft daily (in the morning) I found no bad interactions or effects while ingesting Cannabis, Salvia divinorum, Caffeine, or Oxazepam (Serax - A type of benzo).

I have taken the caffeine occasionally in the morning to wake me up so I'm not sleep deprivated in school, I took one pill every other day (200mg). I don't recall smoking cannabis in the morning close to my dose of Zoloft, but I probably did. The majority of my smokings took place at night. 10 hours or more after I took my daily zoloft. Same goes with Salvia divinorum (I experienced strong effects). Oxazepam I took randomly throughout some days, can't recall how many times or at what time during the day.

A while ago I bought 2 grams of mushrooms to take. This was 2 weeks AFTER I stopped taking Zoloft. The trip was very minimal, no more than a buzz and small amount of OEVs and CEVs. It is possible that I got ripped off as or sold 'old' or 'less potent' shrooms. I do not trust the dealer I bought them from. However, Zoloft could have been the reason why I did not trip effectively.

I would like to address that I was on the smallest dose of Zoloft, this may play a role.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67091
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 23, 2008Views: 21,173
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Pharms - Sertraline (88), Mushrooms (39), Caffeine (11), Benzodiazepines (434), Salvia divinorum (44) : Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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