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A Total Nightmare
Citation:   Clover . "A Total Nightmare: An Experience with 2C-I (exp67187)". Mar 5, 2008.

23 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
First off, I have had experience with psychedelic mushrooms, acid, marijuana, vicoden, and opium and am not new to mind altering experiences caused by substances.

A friend of a friend gave me a 23mg 2CI pill and explained to me the best he could what it does-- apparently causes hallucinations similar to acid. Two of my friends were doing acid that night and I thought it would be fun to trip with them while on something other than acid. I felt confident in taking it after researching 2CI online.

About an hour after taking the pill, I felt a really uncomfortable body-high in which I was twitching and feeling nauseous. I went to my dormroom (I was previously in a friend's room two floors up) and I thought, 'Okay, I feel weird, this will hopefully pass, I'll just lay down and watch tv and see what happens, etc. etc.'

After about 10-15 minutes, I began to freak out because of how horrible I was feeling. I called my friend who was upstairs and asked her to come down and call her friend who gave me the 2CI to ask if it was normal for me to have the following symptoms:

-freezing cold in a heated room with tons of blankets
-twitching, writhing muscles,
-the feeling of most of my body to be 'asleep' (pretty much numb)

After she talked to him, he said it was all very possible, but that he had never experienced such bad effects. The lights began to look scary and I asked my friend to turn them all off. A few of my other friends came to my room and sat with me, doing what they could to make me feel better. I vomited and lay back down while one of them sang and the others made sure I was warm and held my hands.

Eventually all of them left except for a guy-friend. I was freaking out, I felt as if I was going to die, and I kept asking them to take me to the hospital. He told me that I would be fine, and that I was just having an unexpected reaction and was just freaking out.

I was laying there in the dark, him talking to me about dogs and other happy things to try and take my mind off of my pain. Laying there in the dark is when I began to hallucinate. I could not tell where he was even with dim light flowing though the window. He looked like a cartoon from a comic book or something similar. His girlfriend (my friend who's friend gave me the 2CI) came in and we all three laid there.

At one point my VCR started rewinding a tape out of no where and when I asked what it was my friend said 'its a cell phone vibrating.' I thought I was losing my mind. They then figured out what it was and I calmed down a bit.

I was going through hell.

Even when I closed my eyes, things wouldn't stop moving and changing colors, this all along with the extreme physical discomfort.

I threw up again, this time a lot more, and had the light turned on (first time i had seen light in a couple of hours) while I did it. Everything looked pixelated and digital. I looked at my puke and thought 'oh my god, I am puking up my insides.' I wasn't of course, my friend reassured me.

With the light on, things seemed a little less scary so I climbed onto my bed (the top bunk of a bunk-bed) and made myself comfortable as possible. My guyfriend passed out on the bottom bunk (he was drunk) and my girlfriend came up to the top bunk with me and sat with me while I hallucinated.

Nothing was normal. A few examples:

-My ceiling is one of those cottage-cheese-looking ceilings. Every speckle looked like a writhing, screaming face. It was horrifying.

-The wall next to me looked bruised all over.

-Everytime I went to the bathroom, the wood grains in the door were twirling and moving, and wouldn't stop for anything.

-Everyone's skin seemed to radiate itself.

-I looked down at my arms. My arm-hair is very fine and light colored and not too noticable normally. On this drug, they looked like worms or centipedes crawling in and out of my flesh. It made my skin feel horrible.

Eventually I was tired of the hallucinations and physical discomfort and closed my eyes. I went into a hallucination. I heard awful deep, satanic-sounding voices and had visions of sharp objects, blood, and other horrible things. I opened my eyes. I decided I had to stay awake and just deal with the hallucinations until they went away.

Around 6:15am (I took it at 8:30pm), I was tired enough and the hallucinations had died off enough to go to sleep. I slept about 6 hours.

This experience happened a few days ago, and I am still having horrible headaches, loss of appetite, and light-headedness. It has messed up my hormones and has made my emotions very extreme (which is supposedly normal after a bad trip). The day after I cried my eyes out for over an hour.

I would not at all recommend taking 2CI. That night was the absolute worst of my life, and I have had some pretty bad ones. It had nothing good come of it, except maybe show that my friends care enough to stay up with me through a bad trip. I am still shaken up from it, and if I could go back, I would have never taken it. I honestly thought I was going to die that night. It was completely awful.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67187
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2008Views: 19,406
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2C-I (172) : Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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