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Good Arousal
Adrafinil (Olmifon)
Citation:   r0cket. "Good Arousal: An Experience with Adrafinil (Olmifon) (exp67213)". Jun 26, 2010.

300 mg oral Adrafinil (pill / tablet)
I normally suffer from chronic fatigue. I'm always tired and struggle to stay awake especially in class. I have had numerous tests done and all came back saying that physically, I am above average. The two things I haven't checked out were sleep apnea and depression. The former I'm scheduled to get tested for soon; The latter I don't plan to risk putting on on my permanent medical record.

I found out Adrafinil was unscheduled and began looking for a way to import it. I found a site located in the UK, but at $40 for 40x300mg tabs, it wasn't affordable for me to use daily. I bit. I figured I can get a legitimate Modafinil prescription if it was worth it.

A week later, a box came in the mail. Round white tablets looked like the pictures online but had no inscription on them. Box and information pamphlet were in English and French. Brand 'Olmifon.'

Chased 1 (300mg) tablet down with OJ on an empty stomach and sat to watch a movie. At the time I was feeling tired and irritable. I don't know when the effects began exactly - I'd guess 40-60min. It was subtle, but definitely not placebo. I became awake and less irritable; More social with an overall elevation in mood. No noticeable improvement in attention or memory. I wouldn't compare it to caffeine. Caffeine makes me delusional, paranoid and restless. Adrafinil is more gentle. It just lulls away the struggle to keep my eyes open.

After about two hours I began having a headache. It might have been due to being hungry but this is not usual of me, so I attribute that to this drug. But it wasn't a terrible headache and an Advil would have lifted it. The effects lasted 3-4 hours. After which I feel the same way I did before taking it (tired in my case). It doesn't hinder night sleep if taken early in the day.

It doesn't seem to have any recreational value, but works great for staying awake for prolonged periods. I keep some in my car and some at home.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67213
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2010Views: 21,286
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Adrafinil (216) : General (1), Alone (16)

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