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The Calmest I've Felt
Citation:   Kyle Patrick. "The Calmest I've Felt: An Experience with Damiana (exp67231)". Apr 13, 2008.

4 joints/cigs smoked Damiana (plant material)
I still live with my parents and they do not approve of my marijuana smoking habit. I’m also rather broke and cannot afford to buy bags of marijuana as regularly as I once could. Because of these problems, I’ve been trying to find something to hold me off until I am once again in a position where I can enjoy my favorite psychoactive substance.

I ordered several legal mind-altering substances that I understood little-to-nothing of off of a website for a very affordable price. One of the herbs that came was the leaf of damiana – a natural aphrodisiac that commonly grows in Brazil. Today was the second day that I tried it. I no longer have a pipe in my house so I used a cigarette packer to push it into some paper cigarette tubes.

After 4 of these damiana cigarettes, I’m noticing that many of the effects are not unlike marijuana. What I’m enjoying the most is the tranquility. I’m not sure that I’ve ever felt this calm. The amount of focus is so great that I can concentrate on nothing but the rhythm of my breaths for several minutes. I tried meditating for a short while (perhaps 15 minutes) and it felt nicer than it ever has.

I smoked the herb under an opening in my family’s barn while it was raining very hard. I’ve always had a fascination and an appreciation for rain, and its beauty combined with the sound of it hitting the barn roof was rather stimulating. I’ll spare you graphic detail, but I completely understand why this drug is classified as an aphrodisiac.

In describing how much I enjoyed this psychoactive herb, I almost forgot to mention that it tastes like zebra shit. I’m serious people – it tastes awful. I’ve noticed that it helps the taste significantly if I smoke two cigarettes at once: one with damiana, one with tobacco. Despite the vile taste, I am eager to make some tea out of it. The smell did not appeal to me either. It’s not like it was putrid and disgusting, but it has an odor reminiscent of a very old person’s house.

Of course the effects don’t hold a candle to marijuana, but for the price and considering how simple it is to obtain, damiana is worth looking into. Unfortunately, the high only lasted about an hour, but I paid a measly few bucks for an entire ounce so it was a steal for the money.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67231
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2008Views: 36,277
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