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Answers to Questions Nobody Asked
Citation:   Fingore. "Answers to Questions Nobody Asked: An Experience with LSD (exp67300)". May 19, 2020.

1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Me and my friend, grown bored of marijuana and cheap booze, had decided that we wanted to try something different. A more involved/complex headchange. Something a tad bit more interesting. I had not known much about Acid at the time except that it was expensive and very hard to find (at least where we went to school) and it had really never crossed my mind to take it. My friend who I mentioned before (we'll call him G) had told me that he had taken acid before and that it would be almost exactly what we were looking for in terms of a 'different' high.

I spent at least a month asking around and finally got ahold of somebody who knew what they were talking about. I ordered a day in advance and recieved 2 tabs. For the price I had paid, I told myself the inevitable 'It better be good'.

The next day after school, I went to G's house at about 4 o' clock. We had planned to trip for the rest of the day/night.

I unveiled the tabs under G's blacklight and they glowed a brilliant blue. He had previously informed me that what I bought might not have been acid, and the only concrete test was a blacklight. After G. saw the glow he looked at me with a big grin and said 'good, good.' This is when I got excited. We popped the tabs on our toungues and just fucked around for a while. Lets say a good 20 minutes.

At exactly 4:24 the tabs had fully dissolved in our mouths.

Acid takes about an hour or so to take effect, so we decided to go for a walk. We hiked up our favorite trail that led to a mountain overlooking the entire city. We spent about 45-50 minutes talking and looking at the city. We had grown weary of what was ahead of us when we both started feeling an incredible body high. G. then decided that we were next, headed for the crevasse in the mountain. Then a great euphoria had set in to both of us. It was very hard to walk when we felt so tense and high, so we decided to sit down in the dirt.

The Trip.

It began when I saw/heard G. listening to his iPod. I looked at with with great amazement. It was a glowing/shining silver. The edges were fuzzy and had a blue aura. I had wondered where my mind had been the whole time he was listening to it. I realized I had been grinding my hand into the dirt because the sensation felt so incredibly nice on my skin. I looked at G. and I asked him how long it had been since we sat down. (to me it seemed like a half an hour.) I was stunned when I found out it had been 3 minutes. I was absolutely perplexed. I looked at everything around me and it was all moving or alive. The sky had turned purple and the mountains around me all had blue auras. G. started dancing to the music and I could see black trails coming off of him. The music was incredible. I could feel it vicserally. The pumping bass, the bright treble, the pounding of the drums. It was all so vivid. I must have been playing with dirt and listening to/watching G. with his iPod for at least an hour, but again, I was reminded that we had only spent a total of 10 minutes in the crevasse. G. told me that it distorts your sense of time, so when I found this out, that's when I realized my trip had fully kicked in. I was excited, amazingly happy, and euphoric. Also, according to G. my visuals had just begun.

We then decided we were going to do what we always do in times of celebration. Get drunk. We headed home in search of booze.

For some reason, the walk home was the most astonishing thing to us. We had so much fun playing with dirt, throwing rocks, talking to cactai, and observing each others trails that we had a hard time walking a hundred feet to the house. Finally, upon our arrival we opened the gate and walked into the driveway. Remembering that I had stashed a fifth of cheap liqueor in G.s camper, I walked over to it opened the door, turned the light on and to G's amazement, produced from under a blanket a brilliant yellow bottle of coffee schnapps.

We had never been happier. We shut the door, sat down and listened to the Dead Kennedys for about an hour. Talking, having fun and sipping shitty booze.

2-3 hours into the trip, the visuals stopped.

It was almost immediate when I realized it too. No more fancy trails, no more auras or patterns. It had also gotten completely dark. Upon this revelation I had slipped into a depression. I was mad that my visuals werent working, we were out of booze, punk music sucks, and that it had become night. G. felt exactly the same.

The mindfuck.

After realizing how mad we both were, we laughed. We laughed that we paid 15 dollars a hit and supposedly gotten bad acid. We tried to both be mad, but we were so happy and euphoric that we just ended up talking four hours, and couldn't find it in us to be angry.

We walked inside the house and decided to call it a night.

Just when I thought the trip was over, the mental portion really started to kick in. We spent literally five hours in front of the computer. Pointless websites, random people/things, just telling each other the reasons for them. We talked about our philosophies of the world and where we stood on religion, politics, and basically summed up life in a nutshell. Even if we thought so, there was NO WAY we were anywhere near coming down.

I had come to the realization that I am my own significant manifestation of spiritual energy in the universe, I am here for a reason, that I was created in God's image, by God, and that I have been entrusted with his powers to answer every question anybody could ever ask about ANYTHING. The scariest part about it was I was fully confident in my abilities to do so. I wondered about things I have always wondered about, and really asked G. and myself what I thought about them. This process repeated over and over again resulting in what I thought was absolute spiritual enlightenment.

During all the spiritual stuff and crap, G's parents came home without us even knowing, made dinner and asked us if we wanted to eat. We were both starved, so we exclaimed yes and proceeded to the dining room.

For some reason I found that communicating was about the hardest thing somebody could put me up to at the time.

G's mom: 'Hey ___. How are you doing?'
Me: 'Ummm... Fantastic!' *Loses control of vocal volume/tone*
G's mom: 'That's good' *stares at me like I'm a fucking creep*

G. realized my dillemma, grabbed the food, and took me back to the room.

G. had come down almost fully, while I was still semi-tripping, and detached from the world. I ate my dinner and it tasted fabulous. I could feel it reenergizing my body and permiating my entire mouth and nasal passages with the most intense flavor I had ever tasted. Although it was a small portion and I had been extremely hungry all day, I was happy with one serving and felt completely full.

Coming down.

I had come down soon after I had eaten. After G. was sober again. Enough to realize I was fairly buzzed from the schnapps we drank earlier. The strange part about it is I was very euphoric and stoned for the rest of the night. My trip had ended but I felt that way for the next thirteen hours.

We watched TV for a few hours and talked. Reflecting on the trip, and the month we spent getting the acid. We were happy we'd finally done it, that we'd come down okay and had a good trip. We called it a night and went to bed.

I woke up the next day perfectly fine, un-stoned, and alert. I actually felt great. Like, a rejuvinated kind of feeling.

Overall. I say LSD is an incredible experience. Life-changing. Very potent, wonderful effects, and yes, I will do it again. Prob'ly with a higher dosage next time though. I wanted better/more visuals than what I had gotten.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67300
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 19, 2020Views: 624
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2)

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