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Longer, and More Extreme
LSD & Fluoxotine
Citation:   Belle. "Longer, and More Extreme: An Experience with LSD & Fluoxotine (exp67323)". Jun 21, 2021.

20 mg oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
LSD and Anti-Depressants

I have been taking prescription Prozac [fluoxotine] for about a year now. I take one 20mg pill daily.

I have noticed, over time, that the longer I have been on fluoxotine, the stronger the effect weed has on me. I guess I didn't really notice how big of a difference Fluoxotine has on the effect of drugs until I took LSD for the first time.

My first time taking LSD was on halloween of this year [2007]. I went on the trip with one of my friends. We took one blotter square each, around 11pm. We fell asleep shortly afterwards. After about 4 hours of sleep, we both woke up and were feeling completely different. My friend thought she was a dragon, but I didn't think I was anything other than myself. I did feel quite different on the inside, and my visual experiences were strangely different than usual. My friend and I stayed at her house for most of that day. I kept having the urge to go outside and explore, though. I wanted to see the world. When I finally did go outside, everything looked so much bigger. The road looked so far away, and it took me double the time to walk to the road than it would have if I was sober. After my crazy outdoor experience, I went back inside with my friend.

Around 2 o'clock that day, I could tell that my friend was coming down. She was starting to talk more normally, and she wasn't as spaztic as she was to begin with. I, however, was still incredibly 'gone.' It was as though I hadn't yet reached the peak of the experience. The more time that passed, the more intense my trip felt. I then realized that it must be the daily doses of Fluoxotine that had been making my experience so intense, and last so long. My trip lasted, at an extremely high point, until the next morning. So it lasted about 18-20 hours, when it was only supposed to last from 6-12 hours. I was shocked.

I wound up trying LSD again, a few days ago. And I felt just as fried as before. And the trip lasted just as long, if not longer. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is very important to know.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67323
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2021Views: 758
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LSD (2), Pharms - Fluoxetine (80) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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